The One Where Peter Babysits

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Peter didn't like the way the two of you were looking at him. It was unnerving, the slight fake smile and the flare of myscheif flickering behind matching dead eyes.

"So apparently your Mom's back on the no more Stiles kick." Peter muttered but you didn't move.

"We should go upstairs." Scott loudly whispered to you.

"Yeah we should probably get to bed." You hummed without looking away from Peter.

When he made his way upstairs he found your bedrooms rigged up with tubing, something stunk like wolves-bane, but he shook himself when he wondered why Scott would let any be in the house. He stopped outside of Scott's room and listened carefully, growling when he heard Stiles' rambling.

"Alright get the Stilinski out of here." Peter snapped and tried to open the door but hissed when his hand burned.

"Mountain Ash." You yelled through the door.

"Fine." He huffed and hurried outside, climbing the wall and appeared at the window.

You were squashed between Stiles and Scott, take out spread across the floor in front of you so you could grab at it and Scott's computer had been, thanks to Stiles, turned into a mini cinema. Peter attempted to climb into the window only to drop down into the garden when water poured down on him.

"Holy water!" You yelled and scrambled to the window, jumping over the food so you could look down on the furious Hale wolf. "Just kidding its wolves-bane water."

"(Y/N) you'll make him angry." Scott chuckled as he joined you at the window.

"He tries to kill you all the time." You said quickly and Scott shrugged.

"I guess he deserves it." He laughed when Peter growled up at the both of you.

It was almost one in the morning and you were starting a new TV show, the three of you were deciding who had to go and stock up the food pile, and empty coke bottle spinning between the three of you.

"(Y/N) you're up." Stiles said dramatically as he helped you shrug on a backpack full of water and mountain ash.

"Ok, the water gun hooks up like... this... so it should work." Scott mumbled and dropped the plastic gun into your hands.

"Um guys how am I supposed to work this and get the food?" You asked and they both glanced at each other over your head.

"Ok new plan, Scott goes with you and carries our school bags, I'll break and lay down a new mountain ash line while you guys go get the food." Stiles nodded when you gave him one firm nod.

The two of you made it to the kitchen and you'd gotten the first bag filled before Scott decided to make a pile of sandwiches.

"You think I'll have time to cook burgers?" Scott asked.

"First of all no and second how much to you werewolves eat?" You scoffed at him and he shrugged.

"Enough." He grinned and grabbed at the sandwiches.

"Having fun?" Peter asked as he blocked the kitchen door with the looming frame.

"Yeah We are." You smiled sweetly as Scott grabbed you and hoisted you over his shoulder, walking backwards so you could shoot Peter with the water gun and move him out of the way.

"STILES!" Scott yelled as he hurried up the stairs and leapt into the room.

Stiles threw a new line of mountain ash down and waved at Peter who glared at him.

"Just so you know, there's no way in here and we're set until you leave." Stiles saluted Peter and slammed the door with a push of his middle finger.

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