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Olivia's pov

A couple of days later

"Wheres Alvin" I look around the living room but no sign of him

"The garden, he'll be fine" he was sitting on the opposite side of me, confused about something on his hands

Alvin was trying to catch this white, small butterfly flying away from him, from one flower to another. I sat on a wood bench, behind it covered in tall grass

"have you ever had a pet Mattheo," I ask him, filling up Alvin's bowl with water, he might've been tired from running

"does an owl count" he takes the other bowl and fills it with food for the puppy

"never had a cat?" I ask him

"nope" he rubs Alvin's head as he eats, and makes his way up to me, but I already was sitting on my favorite spot on the couch

What I liked about this house, it was never loud, throughout the day it was peaceful and really quiet. I liked it a lot, it would let us have time to read or mind our businesses

I got distracted from reading, meeting his eyes staring at me nonstop, and the next moment his lips crashed back into mine, I missed this feeling, I was still mad at him, but this feeling inside of me overpowered my thoughts and kissed back

I got distracted from reading, meeting his eyes staring at me nonstop, and the next moment his lips crashed back into mine, I missed this feeling, I was still mad at him, but this feeling inside of me overpowered my thoughts and kissed back

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"I'm mad at you" I pull back a little, so his forehead is resting on mine, he paused for a minute looking straight in my eyes

"let me make it up to you" he replied, softly kissing right under my jaw, and making down to my collarbone

"on a couch seriously" before I finish the sentence I feel him sucking on my neck, making me whine a bit. I wrap my legs around his torso, feeling his head digging into the crook of my neck, biting my skin

His lips go down to my cleavage, easily removing his shirt I wearing from the morning. My head falls back down as I feel his tongue between my breasts and his hands on my hips, pressing my body closer to his, feeling his defined, jacked body

I arch my back a little, giving him a space to take off his sweats I was wearing, and back again his head falls back down between my thighs, kissing every inch of inner thighs

I breathe out heavily, feeling my underwear below my ankles, his mouth on my clit, in motion his tongue swivels, making me close my eyes shut, and try not to make any sounds. My hands gripped the edge of the couch, as my back arches, feeling his tongue along my center, I whimper

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