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The train ride was peaceful as always until Malfoy dragged her by her tie and made her sit with his friend group on the Slytherin part of the train. Don't get her wrong it was her house as well but she liked to spend time with Gryffindors more since she likes one of the freckled twins.

- "what was that for Draco"-she said while crossing her arms

- "I want you to meet my friends, you know sister-brother bonding" - Malfoy replied with a smile growing on his face

The whole group was confused since no one ever saw Malfoy smiling or just being happy. They have known him as a person that is heartless and ignorant as well selfish.

- "hi I'm pansy Parkison"- girl replied with a grin on her face

Olivia went in shock and slapped her hand over her mouth and gasped.
-"Draco that's the girl you have been bugging me about, and you never told me she was this pretty"- Olivia replied with her innocent smile

-"such bad manners. Sorry. I'm Olivia Nesci, well Olivia Malfoy, it's a pleasure to meet you"- she said and shaking pansy's hand.

Blaise was completely staring at her and forgot the whole conversation dracos was on about. He never noticed how pretty she looked or how similar she and Malfoy were

-"amused Blaise"- mumbled Draco while kicking his left leg. Blaise chuckled and winked at Malfoy with a cheeky grin

- "if you touch her I will break your fingers"- Malfoy replied while looking at Blaise

-"my name is Blaise, nice to meet you, Olivia. Do you want a chocolate frog"- he said

-"I hate chocolate frogs"- she replied with a smile. Blaises face went blank and he chocked on his piece of chocolate

-"and I thought I was the only one that hated chocolate frogs"- Malfoy said while pulling Olivia into a side hug with his shoulder

- I made Draco and Pansy be a thing since I don't like Dramione, but if you guys don't like them together I can change the storyline a bit❤️

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