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Back at school, she got some weird looks from people but no one minded her being a Malfoy. Draco would shove everyone on his way and would give them the nastiest look if anyone looked bad at Olivia.

Having Draco by her side made her feel safe and not insecure. At this point, she was getting ready to walk into the great hall when she bumped into someone.
-"Watch where you going"- she said angrily but then her face went all red

- "Fred I'm so sorry, I didn't know it was you"- she said awkwardly
- "THERE IS MY FAVORITE GIRL OLIVIA NESCI OR SHALL I CALL HER OLIVIA MALFOY"- Fred told her while looking down at her like she was a baby. He always noticed her and fancied her since 2nd year, he never cared about her blood status, he loved the way she was the only person he would notice in a great hall. Or the way he wouldn't stop staring at her because she made him nervous.

- "Fred stop acting like an idiot we SHALL CALL HER OLIVIA SOON TO BE WEASLEY" - the other red-headed twin yelled, which caught many other people's attention including Malfoy. The girl just blushed and punched George around his stomach w her elbow playfully but then hugged him. Afterward, Fred pushed George and picked up Olivia like she was a paper and spun her around. His favorite feature about her was her smile, especially her laugh.

-"I missed you so much Fred"- she said while hugging his neck
- "you know I missed you more"-he said with a smile
-"but I missed this more than ever"- he said but before she could reply he pulled her into a deep kiss that was interrupted by a guy

- "you know Olivia, I didn't know you were into gingers"- Malfoy said while looking at Fred
-"oh don't be mean Draco, he is my boyfriend"- she said with an attitude realizing what she said
-"fine, I'll meet you at the table I need to introduce u to someone"- he said while making his way back to the Slytherin table

-"well that was not that bad"- Fred replied w a smile
- "SO Olivia, since when Freddie is your boyfriend now?"- George said while hitting Fred's head and pushing him aside so he could be in a middle now
-"oh uh, sorry I didn't mean to say it, Draco has been bugging me the whole summer"-she said, the smile dropping down her face

- "why you always gotta fuck up everything George, is it hard to follow my idiotic plan. Sometimes I think you are not even my twin, to be honest"- Fred told him while play with his rings nervously
- "is it my fault that you are so scared of asking Olivia out WHEN YOU LIKED HER SINCE 2ND YEAR"- George yelled and laughed afterward
- "well uh I gotta get going you know we can hang out later or something"- she said while giving a George side hug and kissing Fred's cheek

George was like a brother to Olivia, so she would tell him anything. Once she told him about her feelings towards Fred on accident and that's how it all started. He was the type of person that would bully his brother for fun, and tease him, but deep down he loved his other half

Olivia and Fred were friends forever, so becoming more, took a lot of time to process and it was a big step. She didn't mind being his girlfriend, because he would still treat her as she was his best friend. Fred didn't like labels so he never actually asked her out but still would get mad over small things

Both of the boys were adorable and would get a lot of attention from other girls. And as Olivia is so insecure she would think she is not enough, and she would have second thoughts about everything

She liked Fred, but his love language was touch which she was not ready to. Olivia wanted to wait a little more to make sure if he is the right person, Fred didn't mind really until 5th year

He would not stop asking but still respected her decision, on the other hand, George would have a girlfriend every week, like he said it was his way of "getting over" Angelina

As she left the boys alone she noticed every girl gossiping about the new kid. She didn't who was he, but he seemed to get enough attention that caught her eye


963 words, some progress😏😏

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