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new update hehe enjoy?❤️😏

At night she opened her eyes lazily, and looked up to see a tall brunette, she wanted to get up and regret everything but yet didn't move, instead, she wrapped her arms torso and moved her head on his chest a little to get closer to him

He woke up suddenly and looked down to see her sleeping peacefully. Her hair was perfectly covering her face, just enough to see her cheekbones and eyes, she rested her head on top of his naked chest, sleeping

"Morning Olivia" he slowly tried to stand up, leaving the girl alone in her bed, "morning" she groans and covers her ears with his pillow

"last night meant nothing to me," he said getting dressed, "I didn't mean it to happen, it's the last time, plus I'm seeing someone now," he said

Olivia sat on her bed raising her eyebrow at him, "keep telling yourself I mean nothing to you but then almost kill the guy that touches me" she laughed, "oh and wouldn't your little girlfriend now, want to know how you woke up in my bed half-naked, or how you came inside of me Riddle" she smirked getting up out of her bed

"I would like the meet her, quite interesting to see what you replaced me with" she laughed trying to find her pants

"you won't tell her anything about this" he made her way to Olivia and grabbed her by her throat, digging his rings into her neck, "or what else huh" she looked at him

the silence. only the sound of them breathing, "exactly what I thought, now keep your filthy hands off me" she fake gagged leaving him all alone to take a shower


Tom woke up early as always, he spent hours reading books and just spending time outside in the garden, as he was drinking his morning coffee, one of the elf's told him about the new guest right outside of the door

"and who might you be" he glanced at a blonde girl right outside of the doors of the manor, she was pretty but still nothing compared to Olivia

"Daphne, daphne Greengrass, Mattheo's girlfriend" a girl giggled looking at a tall man, "didn't know he was doing relationships, but well uh Tom Riddle, come in," he said welcoming her to his home

Olivia ran downstairs, thinking it was Draco's who came to visit her just to find a blonde girl outside of the hallway. Olivia was wearing Mattheos quidditch sweater and some shorts, barely showing.

"and you are," the girl said adjusting her scarf, "Olivia Malfoy" Olivia smirked looking down at Daphne from the stairs, "and you" she scoffed

"Mattheo's girlfriend, Daphne nice to meet you" she giggled, "you are the girl he told me about, leaving my bed in the morning" Olivia smiled at her making her way to Tom

Tom noticed Daphne get embarrassed at her words so tried to change the subject, "so would you like to have a cup of tea Daphne while you are waiting for Mattheo", he glanced at Olivia, her cheeks were flaming red, her eyes looked red as well like she wanted to rip the new girl apart

"Sure, where is he anyways" she replied politely making her way to the table, "he is taking a shower, he will be out shortly" Olivia glanced at her with an annoyed look, "well where is his shower room, I could place my stuff while waiting for him" she looked exited

"I'm not sure if you want to see MY room after yesterday's night, clothes are still all over the floor, but I can show you to Mattheos if you want" she smiled, standing behind Tom

"oh it's fine I'll just wait here" she smiled back. Tom and Daphne would make conversations over time yet Olivia looked pretty annoyed as fuck, she didn't know he actually would've replaced her for someone like that, I mean he was the one crying over Olivia not waking up on deathbed last month, and now he is committed in a relationship

"Morning Everyone" Mattheo made downstairs looking hot, his curls were wet, and his veins were popping up through his shirt, he gasped as he saw two girls staring at each other hatefully

"Mattheo" she giggled running back to him, wrapping her arms around him, "I missed you" she gives him a quick kiss, as he just stared at Olivia's annoyed look

"Cmon let's get some breakfast, I have seen you in a while, I see you made some new friends" she giggled looking at Olivia

"Is she like your siste or" she was cut off by Tom, "Olivia is my fiancée" Tom cut her off, grabbing Olivia's hand and winking at her to let her know to follow the plan

Mattheo coughed too hard, in shock, "oh yes she is his fiancée" he looked hurt yet annoyed, "that's so exciting" the girl giggled, "is there any reason why at such a young age" she smiled grabbing Mattheo's hand

"because why not" Olivia blurted out, smiling at Tom, to continue with the story, "oh totally yes" he glanced back up at Mattheo, ready to punch his brother

"Awee that's so cute, right Mattheo" she smiled, "right" he scoffed, "uh Olivia can you help me in the kitchen with food," Mattheo said leaving the room,

Olivia stood up giving a quick kiss, realizing what she just did, she got red seeing Toms cheek flush red as well


"What the fuck you think you are doing?" he gripped her hand, "don't fucking touch me, and I'm eating" she smiled devilishly as she saw his face getting mad

"Seriously fiancée? Are you out of your mind, the whole school will know" he lowered his voice, "jealous much?" she whispered into his ear, "I don't mind the attention baby" she glanced right back at him, leaving him all alone again

"so Daphne, how did you meet Mattheo" Olivia smiled with her anger building up, "at the library, he needed some help with homework," she said while drinking her tea

"really? because last time I was at the library with him, he fucked me so hard, right behind the couch next to the fireplace, but it's nice to see he has someone now" she glanced up to meet Daphne's eyes flaming in a fire, and Tom about to burst out laughing

"she is just joking" Mattheo spit out his drink, "totally" Olivia slightly winked at the poor girl

"cmon, I'll help you unpack," Theo said leaving Tom and Olivia all alone, "so " Tom chocked laughing, "so" Olivia glanced back laughing harder

"Can't believe she thought we were for real, I mean" she continued to laugh, "do you know anything about this Daphne girl" she looked annoyed

"well uh, pureblood, uh she has a sister Astoria, Draco dated her as well, and uh her mom is dead" Tom glanced back at her, "don't worry she is not even pretty" he grabbed her hand smiling, "thank you Tom" Olivia smiled back laughing

while writing I wanted to punch Daphne lol, I feel like she can change the story a bit so 😌

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