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Happy Christmas Eve everyone ❤️ have a good day

She woke up in the morning due to Peter pocking her with his fingers, "I'm going to kill you" she mumbled as she opened her eyes, "PETER" she yelled as he laughed, "I'm trying to sleep" she replied pulling her covers

"where is the lucky guy" he laughed, "who" she opened her eyes, "the one that got to see you naked yesterday" he opened the curtains, "was it Mattheo or Tom" he smiled sitting down on her bed, "Tom" she replied with a big grin on her face

"I KNEW IT" he yelled jumping around, "Peter I'm giving you 5 seconds to shut up before I will murder you and blame it on your cat" she groaned, "you and Ced looked cute together last night" she smiled turning around to face him

"I think I like him" Peter laid down next to Olivia looking at the ceiling, "he kissed me" he blurted out

"mhm really, did you like the kiss though" she laughed smiling back at him, "it made me feel different" he smiled back

"now Olivia tell me about your boys?" Peter sat down on a bed pulling covers off her, "there's nothing to talk about" she tried to get up, "what is on your neck" he grabbed her wrists pulling her close to look at her neck

"Is that-" he got cut off, "it's noting Peter, don't worry" she pushed herself back covering her neck, "someone was hungry yesterday" he laughed looking at her love bites, "next time ask him to be more gentle, looks like you got bit by a wolf dumbass" he laughed harder pushing her off the bed

"Now if you excuse me, I'm about to go see my almost fiancé's psychotic dad that was trying to kill me last time he saw me so, let me change" she groaned walking out of her room to her closet

She looked pretty presentable today, Olivia had a small yellow dress on with a jacket on top of it, She added some mascara and curled her hair, and made her way out to Tom's room

"Hey Tom," she told a skinny boy still laying on his bed, and gave him a quick kiss, "morning Olivia what are you doing here" he groaned under his pillow

"ready to go?" Mattheo cut her off walking out of the bathroom dressed as well, "arranged marriage" she threw a pillow at him leaving


Olivia and Mattheo appeared at the Manor, all flashbacks from that day came back, she breathed out heavily, looking at the doors of the manor, "I won't let him hurt you" Mattheo grabbed her hand

"I don't need your protection Riddle" she moved her hand away from his

As the tall lady opened the door and welcomed them, Narcissa was sitting around this big table with other death eaters.

"Ahh Olivia, long time no see" Voldemort moved his chair walking up to them, "still disappointed at Tom killing Bella last time, you are a big deal to my boys aren't you" he glanced back at his other son

"Now sit we have a lot to discuss," he said making his way up to his chair, Olivia looked at her mom disappointed and her mom looked like she was crying, "are you okay" she mouthed

"Bella's death was an accident caused by my son Tom, which he will pay for," Voldemort told his followers as everyone looked back at Mattheo, "it was not a mistake father, you were going to kill Olivia" he hissed pulling Olivia behind him

"Your son killed the only family I had" Narcissa shed a tear looking at Olivia. "You are no family to me Olivia" she glared at her

"Don't act like you were there for me my whole 16 years! You abandoned me and left me to grow up without knowing what an actual family was! YOU left your first child on the doorsteps of a random family! You don't get to be mad at me, for Tom killing Bella, you might know how it feels like to be all alone, and not having anyone by your side" Olivia pointed her wand at her mother

"I was trying to protect you from all of this, I didn't want you to grow up in this world," she said, "well guess what it's too late now" Olivia pulled her sleeve up showing her dark mark

"Now back to the wedding" Olivia pointed her wand down, wiping her tears away and looking back at Voldemort

"I like this girl already" the lord laughed as his followers looked back at Mattheo with Olivia, "ahh yes the wedding" he was cut off

"why can't it be Tom" Olivia glared at him, "How dare you to cut me off" he hissed, "I asked a question, stop wasting your precious time on us" she hissed back

"Little feisty aren't you Olivia" he glanced around the room, "why not Tom" she sat on a stool opposite of him

"Tell me, Olivia, why do you want it to be Tom" he glared at her as she looked back at Mattheo, embarrassed, "you didn't think you could hide it from me did you" he demanded

"hide what" she glared at him, "last night" he laughed facing his followers

"Now, I need this wedding to be big, with a lot of people," he told his followers, "More people, more attention, and more time for me to gain my powers back to kill the saint potter" he glared at Mattheo

"I need everyone to have their attention on Olivia Malfoy marrying Mattheo Riddle, son of Voldemort, you got it?" He glanced at them as everyone nodded

"Perfect, get going now" he disappeared

"I'm not going to marry you Mattheo" she mumbled to herself walking out of the manor running to the garden, "say that again Olivia" he stood behind her

"tell me you hate me" he glanced back at her meeting her eyes, "i- can I-cant" she stuttered looking back at him, "tell me you want me dead" he whispered leaning in, "no I can't-" she took a step back moving her hands on her hips

"tell me, Olivia," he stopped talking and looked down at her, "you don't love me," he said taking a step back, "what" she gulped feeling her cheeks heat up

"I said tell me you don't love me" he repeated himself, "I never loved you in the first place" she raised her eyebrow at hiM

"lies lie lies, when are you going to get it" he muttered, "you drive me crazy, every time I look at you I keep thinking about the way you always fall asleep on my chest. You make me feel loved but hated at the same time, stop making me go crazy over you" he pulled her closer to him

"I guess you are just obsessed with me baby" she patted his shoulder leaving him speechless in the garden


"Wait you slept with my brother?" Mattheo stopped walking as she turned around to face him, "was I supposed to ask for your permission Riddle" she glanced at him and turned around, "look at me when I'm talking to you slut " he grabbed her by her neck pressing her against the wall

"don't call me a slut; when you can't keep your dick in your pants" she hissed back trying to get his hands off her, "you don't get to tell me what to do" he leaned in so the only small gap between them was their breathing

"you are a piece of shit Mattheo" she spat at him, pushing him off and trying to get away, "I wish Bella killed you that night" those words escaped his mouth as he slapped his hand over his mouth

Olivia turned around to see what he just said, and tears formed up her eyes when she realized what he meant. It was the worst time for her and he knew she was so scared to relieve it yet he used it against her

"Fuck I didn't mean to say it, Olivia, I'm sorry" he tried to calm her down, as she just froze in pain, "if that's what you think maybe don't come near me next time you see me Riddle" she looked hurt walking away

little short chapter but i want Mattheo and Olivia hate each other more

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