Chapter Sixteen

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"Woah, that's a lot of food. Will I have some?" Yu Mi asked as she followed Jin around the kitchen, who was doing his best to plate everything nicely. Considering it had been some time since the last time he saw Jimin, he wanted to make him a special meal of all of his favorite food. Jimin had whined the day before about how much he missed Jin's cooking, and takeout was not as delicious. Therefore, he put a lot of effort into preparing him lovely and delicious food.

Jin looked at her and smiled, "of course, you can have some; once my friend gets here, we can all dig in."

"Okay, do you think your friend will like me?"

Jin stopped what he was doing, kneeling to eye level with Yu Mi, "there is no one in this world who wouldn't like a princess like you."

Yu Mi's face turned sad, and she hung her head, "My appa doesn't like me a lot."

It broke Jin's heart hearing her say something like that; he sighed and pulled her into a hug, "listen, don't say that. I am sure there is a reason beyond your understanding, but your Appa could never not like you, and even if he doesn't, your daddy loves you, I love you. Ye Jun loves you. We all love you. You are the sweetest and prettiest girl ever."

Her face lit up at Jin's comforting words. "I am pretty and beautiful, and my dad tells me all the time."

Jin kissed her forehead and smiled, "yes, you are. Your daddy is right, no matter what, always remember that, okay?"


Jungkook cleared his throat, making his presence known after standing for a while and observing Jin and his daughter.

"Oh hey, I thought you went for a jog?" Jin asked, surprised to see Jungkook.

"I did, but now I am back." He walked around, looking at all the food around the table, and licked his lips, "wow, you cooked. I am starving, and this looks good." Jungkook attempts to take a seat, pulling a chair out, when Jin and Yu Mi both shouts, stopping him.

"No, that's not to eat yet."

"That's Jin's friend food, don't eat it."

Jungkook turned to glare at the two, "What?"

"I am sorry, my friend, he asked me to prepare him some of his favorites, and I did. We can all eat, but I don't want to start until he is here. He should be here any minute now. Can you maybe wait for a bit?"

Jungkook stared at Jin for a good minute, then he turned and looked at the food on the table, counting all the dishes, then he looked back at Jin, "you made all of this for a friend?"

Shaking his head, Jin smiled, "it's a lot, right? He has a big appetite for my food, and although he can be picky, he loves whatever I cook. Usually, when I am home, I would cook for us, but he has been missing my cooking since I have been here. I wanted to do something nice for him, so I prepared all his favorites."

"Something nice," Jungkook repeats to himself as he chewed on the inside of his cheek. "Did you use all the ingredients in the kitchen to prepare this lavish meal for this friend of yours?"

"If you are asking if I used the ingredients I bought for my meals while I am here to prepare this meal for my friend, then the answer is yes."

"You-" Jungkook gets cut off by the doorbell. Jin quickly walks out of the room, smiling happily that Jimin had arrived. Yu Mi followed right behind him, not being able to hide her excitement as she wanted to meet Jin's friend so he could be her friend too.

"You made it!" Jin hugged Jimin tightly, greeting him. Jimin kissed Jin on the cheek and hugged him back with the same tight grip. "Gosh, you smell so good. I missed you so much."

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