Chapter Seven

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Yoongi's had his hands firmly pressed to Jin's hips as he moved against him. Pulling him down, he attaches their lips and pushes up into Jin, making him moan. Jin's phone starts ringing, and Yoongi tightens his hold on him, flipping Jin onto his back and thrusting deep. Jin wraps his legs around Yoongi's waist, ignoring his phone and focusing on the moment at hand.

As his phone starts ringing again, he places his hand on Yoongi's chest, "w-wait, let me see who that is. It might be my boss."

"On a Saturday?" Yoongi questions hovering over Jin, his cock buried deep.

Jin stretches to the night table for his phone, struggling to grab it due to his position, but after much struggle, he got it. It had stop ringing by the time he got it, which caused Yoongi to begin thrusting in him again. "Oh shit, wait, it's my boss." Jin presses his hand against Yoongi's chest as the phone starts ringing again.


"Seokjin, this is Jungkook. I have an emergency and want to know if you can come over and help me out for a couple of hours?"

Jin looked at Yoongi's penetrating stare and muttered a sorry before answering Jungkook. "Umm, yeah, sure, but can you give me at least thirty- crap! I am so sorry, can you give me an hour?" It was Jin's turn to glare at Yoongi, who had thrust into him while he was attempting to talk to Jungkook.

"Yes, that's fine, but please be here in an hour."

Jin didn't respond to Jungkook as Yoongi takes his phone, throwing it to the floor. "Why are you so aggressive?" Jin asked, pulling Yoongi into a kiss to continue what they were doing before his boss called and interrupted him.


"Jin!" Yu Mi rushes to Jin as Jin walks into the living room, her brother following behind her to Jin.

Picking Ye Jun up, Jin pulled Yu Mi towards him and hugged her, but get surprised as Jungkook walks over to him, taking Ye Jun from him. "Yu Mi, baby, go clean up your toys and bring them back to your room. I am going to talk to Jin for a moment."

Yu Mi leaves per her father's order, and then Jungkook turned and glared at Jin, "did you shower before coming here and holding my son?"

"E-excuse me?"

"Next time when you have sex with your boyfriend, be decent and hang your phone up. Do you know how inappropriate it was for me to hear you moaning while I am trying to talk to you?"

Jin's eyes widen as he stared at Jungkook; he suddenly realized when Yoongi threw his phone, it probably wasn't hung up. "Mr. Jeon, I am so sorry about that. Oh my gosh, I am mortified right now. I did not know the phone wasn't hang up. However, I feel insulted, asking me if I showered before holding your son. It's almost my second week here as a nanny for your kids. I have handled and cared for them appropriately. What makes you think I will hop out of bed from having sex and just come and hold up your kids?"

Jungkook looked Jin up and down, "is there a reason why you are back to calling me, Mr. Jeon? Let's not make what happened today happened again, and I hope you are prepared for our trip on Monday. Based on the sound of things, your boyfriend wasn't too thrilled with you coming to work today, so make sure he is aware you will be away for two weeks."

"Jungkook, I can pledge you won't hear me moaning over a phone again. Sorry that it even happened, I am sure you can understand, I wasn't expecting a call from you today. Nevertheless, I am here and will be prepared for the trip on Monday. Further, he is not my boyfriend, so please drop the assumptions."

Ye Jun was reaching for Jin to hold him, so Jungkook gave him back to him. Ye Jun smiled as soon as Jin held him and snuggled his face into his chest, closing his eyes. "Sorry, your husband, then, got it. Anyway, thank you for showing up today. I appreciate it."

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