Chapter Four: Gym Class & Petty excuses.

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Previously On Far Away:
Chloe and Jake went to their first day at school in London. Thomas introduced them to his friends and Jake fit right in, suddenly acting mature and cool! Chloe was nervous and she and Thomas were holding hands for a big part of the morning.
And That's What You Missed On Far Away.


Thomas, Jake and I went to the administration desk to sort out our classes and schedules. I ended up with the exact same schedule as Thomas since we are doing the exchange program together but Jakes schedule is different.

"we have P.E. first thing on Mondays and coach Bat doesn't like to be kept waiting." thomas says to me when we receive our schedules.

"okay. we better get going then. i just need to drop off my books in my locker."

"what number?" he asks.

"uhh, 241" i say.

"oh! im 204 were pretty close. ill take you there then we can go to P.E together."

"sounds good!" I smile and we set off down the hall.

We arrive at my locker and I open using the combination 18,04,35. I empty out my school bag and leave it in the locker, only brining my gym clothes with me.

"Okay we better hurry." Thomas says, checking the large clock halfway down the hall. I nod and following him down the hall, we set off for gym class.

We arrive at three large blue doors. One leads to the girls change room, one leads to the boys change room and the other leads to the gym. I look at ️Thomas and shrug , "See you on the other side." I wink and enter the girls room as Thomas goes to the boys.

The change room is small and smelled like armpits. The lockers were red, rusty and chipped. And there are small, wobbly benches going up and down the rows of lockers.

I sigh and get changed quickly into loose fitting shorts and a white t-shirt. I then pull my hair into a nice high ponytail and I slipped on my Nike shoes.

Walking towards the blue gym doors I take a deep breathe. Here it goes. My first impression towards people for the next three months. Then I walk out of the change room and to grade 12 P.E.

About 25 students are running around the gym in a large circle. Thomas was standing with a scary looking man, talking to him as if trying to make him understand something. I decide that that's where I should go so, ignoring all the now-staring teenagers who have slowed their pace to a jog to get a better look at me, I walk to Thomas' side.

Thomas sees me and a look of relief washes over his face "see coach? This is Chloe. The new student. I told you I wasn't lying." He smiles at me and gives me a little nudge as if to say something.

I shake my head as if coming out of a daze and stretch my hand out to coach Bat and say "I'm Chloe. Chloe Campbell. And you must be coach Bat."

The man just grunts and blows his whistle loudly. Then, in a loud, booming voice, he shouts, "EVERYONE STOP!" The whole gym immediately freezes in place. "WE HAVE A NEW STUDENT TODAY!" Some people groan, making me feel uncomfortable "I SAY WE WELCOME HER LIKE WE DO TO EVERYONE ELSE. DODGEBALL!" Now I know why people were groaning.

I feel someone tap my shoulder and I see Thomas becoming me to follow him. I do and he takes me to a group of some of his friends that I recognize from earlier. Dylan wasn't there though, but his girlfriend was.

"Coach!" Dylan's girlfriend calls "my stomach hurts! I'm not sure if I can participate in class today!"

"YOU CAN WATCH FROM THE BENCH!" Coach Bat shouts even though he was only a few feet away.

Then suddenly, more and more girls started coming up with excuses as to why they couldn't participate. 'Oh I hurt my ankle!' 'Oh I have a headache' and even 'I think I broke my ear!' And yet, they all got to sit and watch the rest of us plummet red balls at each other's faces.

"Aren't you going to sit out Chloe?" One of Thomas's friends asks after his girlfriend too went to sit on the bench.

"Why should I? Gym can be fun." I shrug. I turn around and grab a ball out of the bin. "Plus, I'm going to win." I with that, I get a grin from all the boys in the group. And even a smile from Thomas.

"OKAY THE NEW GIRL AND THE LATE BOY ARE OUR CAPTAINS! NEW GIRL HAS FIRST PICK!" Coach Bat yells making me jump. He was standing right behind me.

All the boys and the few girls that aren't sitting out form a crowd around me and Thomas comes to stand at my side. I shrug and point at a tall boy with dark hair and eyes "you!"

Thomas picks the guy I was just talking to and I pick one of the girls. His goes on for a while until both teams have been made. "I'm so gonna win." I whisper to Thomas.

He chuckles, "okay."

The teams separate to their sides and coach Bat blows his whistle and the game starts. Red balls are flying everywhere. People are jumping this way and that, getting hit left and right. The games lasts for 15 minutes until only one person on each team is left. Me and Thomas.

I smile deviously at him, ready to throw the ball in my hands. Thomas lets his ball fly and I dodge it, throwing my ball right away. I soars through the air and hits Thomas in the stomach. I smile and laugh and coach Bat blows the whistle, signaling the end of the game.

I run over to Thomas to make sure he's okay only to find out that he's bent over in laughter, not pain. I start laughing too and the rest of the group comes over. Some of the guys pat me on the back and others compliment me but the girls just glare at me from the distance.

Coach Bat tells everyone to go get changed so I make my way to the girls room, making plans with Thomas to meet at my locker afterwards. I get in the change room and start to get changed. Just as I start pulling my hair out from its ponytail, I realize I'm surrounded by girls.

"Hi!" I say "I'm Chloe Camp-"

"We know who you are." Snaps the blonde girl, Dylan's girlfriend. I guess she's the popular girl. "And we just wanted to tell you to back off from the guys. We know you have a thing for Thomas. I mean everyone does, he's super hot. But you need to leave them all alone! You just got here and you're already stealing our boyfriends! Just back off!" She and the others glare at me.

I raise my hands in mock defense "it's gonna be pretty hard to leave Thomas alone since I'm living with him!" And with that I storm out of the change room to find Thomas.


Hey guys I really hope you're liking the story! Please vote and comment! Also please tell me your opinions on how I'm writing it. Is there something I should change? I appreciate all constructive criticism!

Also if you love Thomas Brodie-Sangster and Newt as much as I do, you should check out my other Fanfics "Trust" and "Quiet On Set"

Thanks for reading!!!

-Chloe Xx

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