New Years Eve Party

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So, I meant for this to come out on New Year's Eve, but I wanted to spend that time with my family and relaxing instead of working for a few hours on New Year's Eve. So yeah, this a few days late for the holiday but I decided to finish it. I hope you guys enjoy it.

Luz stood outside of Blight manor, standing in front of the fancy front door. She had been here plenty of times since she started dating Amity but walking up to the front door always made her anxious. She felt like the house, or the gardeners were judging her. Even when she was inside, she would sometimes see or feel the house staff judging her. Then Amity would cuddle her and make her feel better.

Usually, all Luz had to deal with, is the looks from the house staff and the twins teasing but today was the New Year's Eve party. And that meant Luz would have to mingle with other rich people and people of high society. She had finally convinced Amity's parents that she was good enough, and now she was going to have to do it again with multiple people.

That's why Amity asked if Luz wanted to come over earlier, so they could cuddle for a few hours before the party. Unfortunately, her phone died on the way here, so the Latina couldn't tell Amity she arrived, so she was stuck with the gamble on who would answer it. She rang the doorbell and hoped Amity or the twins would answer the door. The door opened a few moments later, revealing a tall thin man in a suit.

"Hello. Can I help you?" The older man asked.

"I'm here to see Amity," Luz said.

"Ms. Blight is busy setting up for the party." The man said. "May I ask who you are?"

"I'm Luz." The Latina said. "I'm Amity's girlfriend."

"I see. Well if you are here for the party, you will have to come back later. Like I said before, Ms. Blight is very busy." Said the butler.

Amity came down the stairs and looked to see who was in the doorway when her eyes lit up. "Luzzy!"

The Blight ran to the door and hugged Luz. "It's okay, Francisco, you can let her in."

Francisco arched an eyebrow. "Are you sure, Ms. Blight? You are very busy."

"I asked her to come early," Amity said.

"Very well, Ms. Blight." He stepped aside and let Luz in, then walked down the hall.

Amity sighed and ran her hands through her hair. "Sorry about Francisco. He's new."

"It's okay," Luz said, stepping inside the mansion and taking off her shoes.

"Why didn't you tell me you were here?"

"My phone died on the car ride over here," Luz said, a little embarrassed. "Which reminds me, can I use your charger?"

"Sure," Amity said.

Luz gave her girlfriend her phone and walked to the couch while Amity plugged it in. After asking one of the staff to get something, she joined Luz on the sofa and put her arm around her. The Latina gave her a kiss before placing her head on Amity's shoulder.

"This was a great idea. Thanks for asking me to come early." Luz said.

Amity kissed the side of her head. "No problem Luzzy."

"Are you sure I'm not bothering you?" Luz asked. "I would hate for you not to finish because of me."

"You're not bothering me. Besides, this downtime with you is for me as well." Amity said. "It's been crazy the last few days. I feel like a chicken running around with its head cut off."

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