Chapter 3

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It's a few days before Thanksgiving when Aspyn's phone is ringing again. It's not the unknown number that had called her a few times in September, although the calls had stopped halfway through October.

She seemed to miss them every time, it was always around the same time at night when she was at work and a voicemail never seemed to hit her answering machine, so the guy selling the Christmas Tree must have gotten sick of calling the dead line.

This time, it's her mother. She's a fantastic woman when she's sober, or in her right state of mind. A long time single lady, often found with a smouldering cigarette in her right hand and a margarita in the left as she travelled the house, Deborah Grey wasn't always on the top of her daughters calling list.

"Deborah," Aspyn hummed into the phone as she heard the line connect in her ear, it wasn't necessarily the most healthy mother-daughter relationship they shared.

"Hi, dear," the woman with a raspy smoker's voice replied, "What are you doing?"

Aspyn looked down at the girl moving from between her legs and decided it was best just to lie, "Just eating some breakfast."

It was only eleven...

"Yeah, I was," Tamima grumbled quietly as she picked her top off of the floor of her roommate's bedroom and slipped it over her smooth shoulders.

Aspyn pulled the covers over herself, cursing for even picking up the call. She normally wouldn't, but she had missed the last many and since she was supposed to return home for the holidays she figured she should be up to date on the plan, had her mother even made any.

As her roommate stood up, she gave a playful swat to her bottom and stuck her tongue out with a salut, wishing the girl a silent goodbye as she received a middle finger back.

"Good, good," the mother replied, "So I was thinking, since you're still single and I don't have any grandkids yet, we could invite Nick over and you two could reconnect, sound good?"

"No! God, no. Why would you want to bring my ex to the house for thanksgiving?" She was biting her tongue, in fact she was trying not to cry and laugh at the same time.

Nick, who was commonly referred to as Nick the dick by she, Tamima and Leo, wasn't a bad person. He was just... a dick. That's all he was good for, he was a good lay when she went back to town and felt the urge.

"Like I said, I want grandchildren."

There's an eye roll that Aspyn knows she would have gotten smacked upside the head for had her mother been on video call or in person, and she was thankful that she wasn't when she replied, "You had children and that didn't go so well, so now you want grandchildren to scar for life, too?"

Deborah scoffs, keep in mind she's a five foot tall lady with a perm from the 80's and leopard print tights living in a one story bungalow just barely big enough to house her and her cat, Prince Magnus.

That fucking cat.

"You and Daniel turned out fine, I mean, prison's not that bad."

"The fact that you just brushed off the fact that Daniel is in prison, is exactly why I will never, ever, have children who could be subjected to that," the raven haired girl said somewhat harshly.

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