Chapter 30

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I have no self control so enjoy another one!


Aspyn wiped her mouth off and sat down on the disgusting floor of the stall. Taylor, who was standing behind her, took a small step back to give her space before stepping out for a minute and returning with a bottle of water.

"Here," Taylor twisted the cap off and held the bottle up to Aspyn's mouth, but the dark haired girl shook her head. She pointed at her purse, unable to bring words to her mouth.

Taylor only took a second to realize, flipping the purse open and ruffling past the bag with a toothbrush in it and Aspyn's wallet until she found the inhaler and helped Aspyn take a few breaths, like she remembered doing months before.

"Thank you," Aspyn said softly, choking the words out. She felt absolutely miserable this time around, and maybe it was because she was older or maybe it was because every pregnancy really was different. She just was exhausted, and sad sometimes.

The actress' cheeks were wet with tears, but they started to develop another layer as Taylor wrapped an arm around her after sitting down next to her. Both their legs dangled out the underside of the stall, but Taylor shut the door so they'd have some minor privacy in case someone walked in and recognized either of them.

"I heard you're having a baby," Taylor said after a couple minutes, "Congratulations."

Aspyn gently took the water bottle from Taylor's hand and took a small sip, just enough to rinse some of the awful taste from her mouth. That inhaler was likely a goner now.

"Thank you," Aspyn couldn't look her ex-girlfriend in the eyes, her own eyes sore from crying already. Her head was starting to hurt, she was dehydrated and her body was feeling the full effects of everything going on.

"You have a thing for having half-British babies," Taylor chuckled, forgetting she was even upset about it. She loved Aspyn, even now she considered Aspyn one of her closest people. She couldn't stay mad.

The night they had broken up, Taylor cried and didn't seem to stop. She hadn't cried that much in years.

Aspyn shook her head, "No, British men have a thing for breaking flippin' condoms. And birth control has a thing for not working."

"We both know you don't take it everyday," Taylor teased with a squeeze of Aspyn's shoulders, "I remember you looking at me at night and asking if I remembered you taking it that day, and then counting on your fingers to try and figure out how many you were supposed to have in the pack."

"Shh," Aspyn cracked a smile, "I'm better at it when I'm not with you. You make my mind all foggy and I forget things, or my own name. Then you smile and I go all butterflies and I forget what I'm doing and yeah. Plus, I didn't really need birth control when I was dating you."

"But now you're dating Joe," Taylor hummed, her hand moving up and down softly on the side of Aspyn's shoulder without even realizing it. It was the same thing she used to do when they'd watch television on the couch, or Aspyn was having a bad day and needed to vent. A force of habit.

They were quiet for a minute, Aspyn's head fell lower until it rested against Taylor's shoulder. It seemed the marker graffiti on the side of the metal stall wasn't the only thing on their minds in that minute. Although they seemed to forget they were on the floor of the public bathroom, they were both eerily aware of the time passing by.

"What was your favourite thing about Joe?" Aspyn asked a couple minutes down the line, because she needed a reason to stay. Every moment with Joe just made her more aware that she was digging a hole that would likely lead her to be miserable.

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