Chapter 24

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"Honey, get in here," Taylor rushed to hug the two girls as security escorted them up the front steps. Aspyn had drying tears on her cheeks and Quinn was still crying from the home invasion.

"Mama," Quinn cried as she reached for Taylor. She had a special connection with Taylor that Aspyn didn't quite understand but respected, Taylor was her safe space too.

"Hi, my sweet girl," Taylor cooed as she rubbed Quinn's back while holding her, "You're okay, bub. Yeah, that's good. You don't need to cry, look, everyone is okay and it's quiet. Can you listen to the quiet, I hear birdies in the backyard."

"Miss Grey, would you like me to bring up your bags to the guest room?" One of the security guards came up with two bags, one pink duffel bag a quickly packed black one. The same ones Aspyn always brought her and Quinn for their weekend sleepovers.

"The black one outside my door and the other in Quinn's room, please," Taylor said to the man before whispering something in Quinn's ear as she rocked her a small bit on her hip.

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Thank you," Aspyn said as she wiped her eyes, sniffling softly and looking at her hands.

"She was asleep, right? Should we get her back to bed?"

"I don't know if she's going to want to sleep anytime soon," Aspyn replied brokenly, "Tamima and I kind of started smacking him with a baseball bat and lamp and she woke up and saw it."

"Oh, my babies," Taylor sighed, her ocean blue eyes full of concern, "You need a shower baby? Quinn and I can sit in our room and calm down and you can clean up."

"Mhmm," the actress nodded, following Taylor up the stairs. They walked through the hallway and into the master bedroom where when Taylor tried to put Quinn down on the bed, the child hung onto her neck and cried harder until Taylor picked her back up.

"Quinn, just for one second, okay? I just want to give your Mommy a hug because she was scared too," Taylor explained, feeling the grip around her loosen with the sound of loud sniffles.

The singer went and tucked her arms underneath Aspyn's shoulders and pulled her close, kissing her forehead, trying to keep it all together.

The second she had received a text that someone had broken into their apartment with a knife, Taylor had screamed for security to go as quickly as possible to pick them up and her stomach still hadn't stopped turning.

"Thanks for letting us stay here," Aspyn mumbled into the embrace, burying her face into Taylor's honey scented neck and letting a few tears fall from her hazel eyes.

"You're always welcome here, baby. Day or night," the older woman explained, "Don't cry, you're okay. Or cry if you need to, whatever makes you comfortable."

"I love you," Aspyn sobbed, no longer able stay strong in front of her daughter, she was scared too. Taylor's arms were a vulnerable place and she knew it was okay to feel whatever she needed to there.

"I love you, Aspyn. We should go lay with Quinnie, she wants to cuddle," Taylor hummed with another soft kiss to the girl's hairline.

They moved over to the bed and laid down, the older girl pulling the blanket over the three of them carefully. Aspyn snuggled into Taylor's side and Quinn rolled on top of Taylor just enough that she could hold her mother's hand at the same time.

"Did you get scared earlier?" Taylor gently inquired to the five-year-old as she tucked the blanket under her chin so it was out of the brown haired girl's face.

"Mhmm," Quinn agreed, "There was a bad guy."

"I heard the bad guy tried to come into your house and it scared you. But Mommy and Tamima stopped him, and that was good."

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