Chapter 43

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Guys I googled the crap out of this, but if it's not 100% accurate just let me be because I tried :) (salsa dancer emoji too, my wife knows)


(Warning there is blood but it is not too graphic and everyone is okay)

"Can I get you anything? Some tea, maybe?" Aspyn asked as she handed Andrea a fluffy blanket on the sofa in Taylor's living room. Andrea had flown in the night before and Taylor had immediately taken to trying to spend as much as much time with everyone as possible since arriving home two days before.

"No, I'm okay. You rest, you've got my grandbaby to take care of," the woman answered with a weak smile, unfolding it and draping it over her lower half.

"Yeah, honey, rest. I got it, you've been doing everything for months now, let me take care of you," the blonde chimed in as she brought in the box of Lego pieces she kept up so the cats didn't get into it, scattering some pieces on the table for Quinn.

Aspyn shook her head, "I have a bunch to do, I have shopping to do, too... and organizing and building and stuff."

"Sounds like you need to take five minutes to sit down and watch Quinnie build you a house," Taylor said softly, taking the raven haired girl's hand and guiding her down next to her mother.

"We need a nursery, Taylor."

"I know, I do. I'll take care of it, but if you don't slow down we're not going to have time to build a nursery because he'll show up early and I need you both safe."

"I'm okay, trust me."

"I trust you, but I'm allowed to worry. I'm gonna finish up the dishes from breakfast, I'll be back. I love you all," Taylor placed a kiss on Quinn's head, who was kneeling against the coffee table before she stepped out and left them alone.

"Still no names?" Andrea questioned Aspyn, running her hand through her drying hair to comb it away from her face.

The actress shook her head, "We haven't even had time to talk about it, she's been so busy with tour. I'm glad she's done, but we haven't moved into the new house, started shopping for the nursery or anything. I'm starting to freak out."

"Well you're what, thirty weeks?" Taylor's mother asked with a quick glance to Aspyn's stomach, the girl shifted her eyes to Quinn to check on her and then nodded.

"Just about thirty-one, actually. We have time but I'm nervous."

"That's fair, if you'd like any help picking anything out, I am here. Taylor told me about your mother, I'm very sorry."

Aspyn felt her heart speed up a bit after hearing that, swallowing prior to saying, "Oh, thank you. Taylor is insisting we order online so we can probably put the laptop up to the TV and all have a look, so long as we both know she gets the final say."

"Taylor does?" Andrea chuckled.

Aspyn nodded quickly, "Apparently, sometimes I feel like I'm just her incubator and she's gonna steal him away from me all the time."

"I am not!" Taylor yelled from the kitchen, "We get to share!"

"Yeah right! Honey, you call to check on him more in a day than you have asked about me in the entire time I have known you," the actress yelled back teasingly.

"Well I love him more," Taylor walked in, having finished up the dishes and not wanting to scream through the house, "But I do love you."

She bent down and kissed Aspyn before sitting in the armchair that was placed in front of the window. Quinn put down her building blocks and walked over to Taylor, "Mama, cuddle please?"

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