Chapter 10

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If you've been paying attention, this may not seem so out of sorts. If you haven't, you might be a little confused but you'll catch up. It's a lot to take in, and some people are going to hate me. Enjoy the chapter and leave your thoughts if you'd like, I'll respond :)


"Okay, I thought the plane was cool but this house is beautiful, wow," Aspyn said as she looked around the entryway of Taylor's Nashville home.

The last time she had been in Nashville, it hadn't been a pleasant experience. She hadn't spoken a word to her mother since, blocked her number and almost considered changing her phone number but didn't, it was just the anger talking.

"I'll show you to the guest room," Taylor said, trying to take Aspyn's bag for her. Aspyn reluctantly let go of her backpack and used her crutches to help her up the stairway. It was curved and made from dark wood, landing in a corridor with a simple chair and small table in a nook at the end of it.

Taylor opened one of the doors and set the bag down beside the bed, the bright curtains let the sun's glow through and streaks of light sat warmly on the bed.

"There should be towels on the counter in the bathroom for you, I'm just across the hallway if you need anything tonight. Help yourself to anything in the kitchen if you're hungry, one of my assistants picked up some groceries."

"Thank you," Aspyn smiled, "Like really, thank you. You didn't have to do any of this."

"I wanted to, and it's nice to see you again. I'll give you a few minutes to get settled in and then maybe we can pop on a movie or something," Taylor replied.

Aspyn nodded and grabbed out her phone charger once the door was left at just a crack open, she realized she hadn't checked it in hours and noticed two missed calls. Furrowing her eyebrows, she noticed the numbers were both from Nashville area codes.

One was a voicemail from her brother Daniel, in prison, who was crying as he dropped some big news on Aspyn. Aspyn immediately starting crying and shakily listened to the next voicemail, which was even worse.

"Aspyn, I know you told me to never call you but it's Quinn. There was a car accident and they're gone and- and you gotta go get her. Get her back, okay? She should have been with you this whole time, and I'm sorry for that and I fucked up so bad. Just go get her and make sure she's okay. Please," Daniel's voice was broken as he sobbed into the phone.

Daniel was a very, very long story.

Aspyn's heart was running a mile a minute inside her chest, thumping so loudly she could hear it in her ears. This was not a good time for this to happen, not with Taylor, but she was so thankful she was in Nashville that day. Everything happens for a reason.

"T-Taylor?" The younger girl stuttered as she knocked on the open door across the hallway, Taylor was unpacking a suitcase on the bed and moving the clothes into the dresser. She immediately turned around and saw Aspyn's tear stained cheeks and her heart dropped.

"You okay?" The singer questioned, putting down the t-shirt that was folded in her palms and walking over to the shorter woman. She wrapped her in a hug without question, squeezing her tight as Aspyn sobbed.

"I have to go deal with a family thing, and uh- it's a big thing and you're probably not going to want anything to do with me after this. I'm sorry," Aspyn choked out, her voice was rough and she was mumbling into the blonde's shoulder. She was frozen for a moment, just trying to take it all in.

"What's going on?" Taylor asked softly, stroking Aspyn's back in a comforting motion to try and coax her to calm down enough to stop crying so heavily.

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