Chapter 6

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The gears are turning again...

Is it really one of my books if I don't bring back the lady who started it all? Enjoy!


"Haha, okay— yeah, I was just kidding. I just like to keep my life as private as I can now, and I've been burned before and I don't like to take chances. So if you could sign it, I would really appreciate it," Taylor corrected herself as she spoke into the phone.

She had royally fucked up, telling Aspyn she was trying to ask her out without knowing for sure she had signed the agreement. Most people she associated with did really just sign it, but Aspyn had never come across one before and didn't understand what she was looking at.

So while Taylor was out there taking chances, Aspyn was doing the opposite. For a woman who commonly took everything in life with a grain of salt, not generally caring about other peoples opinions or the consequences of her sometimes reckless actions, Aspyn just felt like she needed to look at this more.

Taylor Swift was a powerful person in the industry, the music or acting. Aspyn was pretty sure one phone call could destroy her career, she just didn't know in that moment, one phone call could destroy Taylor's, too.

"I figured..." Aspyn replied to the superstar's comment about joking, "I'm pretty sure you have a boyfriend anyways."

"Yeah, yeah! He's fantastic, the love of my life," Taylor thanked whoever was up there for giving her an easy way out of that slip, despite not liking the fact she had to lie about her current status with Joe, or more so, the lack of one at all.

"That's uh- great, yeah," Aspyn stuttered slightly at the enthusiasm that slipped the singer's lips over the phone line. She was walking aimlessly now, completely having passed the coffee shop by accident since she had become lost in the call and forgot her original purpose for the trip down the block.

Taylor hummed before adding, "So, are you going to sign the NDA?"

"I'm going to have a lawyer look at it," the raven haired actress answered.

"Oh cool," Taylor gently agreed, "Yeah, just get back to me about that. I don't think you should have any issues, I mean, lots of people sign them. I just think you should sign it, okay? I mean, no pressure and all, but yeah, signing it would be awesome, and uh- yeah, is that everything you needed?"

"Taylor, are you nervous?" Aspyn chuckled softly, stopping mid stride as someone she wasn't very familiar with seemed to be rambling on the other side of the call.

"I just am not used to people knowing things about my personal life, not people I meet in a bar, you know?"

Translation: I don't know you well enough to know if you'll go to the press. I thought that NDA would solve things and I accidentally just told you I was into you but maybe you believed the cover up or maybe you didn't... fuck.

"Sure, I can pretend I have that issue. You know, I once did a yeast infection medication commercial, I'm real popular."

"I need to go, have a good day, Aspyn," the singer replied, trying not to laugh at the actress' fake enthusiasm about the commercial. Taylor definitely wasn't about to go google it to try and find it.

She had a tiny crush, just a little one. She was still getting over Joe but Aspyn was gorgeous and funny and she had strange little butterflies she didn't think she would feel again anytime soon, it was a peaceful nervousness.

"You too, and don't worry, I won't tell anyone about that night in the bar. I haven't even told my roommate," that was like a blessing from the heavens for Taylor, she was very grateful Aspyn said that.

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