Ch 27

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I was lifted out of the car and carried up to the door. My eyes fluttered open and I saw Harry's face. My heart stopped and I internally freaked out. He looked down at my open eyes.

"Oh sorry, I didn't want to wake you," he said.

"Uhm it's okay, thanks," I said but he didn't put me down and carried me to my room.

"I have legs ya know," I smirked.

"I just thought they might be tired," he said. "Goodnight!"

"Night," I said.

"Goodnight, Nat," Jack poked his head into the doorway as Harry left.

"Goodnight," I responded and he closed the door. I changed into sweatpants and pulled the tight pins out of my hair. I sat down on my bed and decided to invite Nick over, when I heard a knock.

"Come in," I said.

"Hey me and Leo have to go to LA tomorrow. We leave at 5am and get back at 5pm. You and Jack are in charge of keeping Harry happy," Rocco said.

"Why are you going there?"

"Business. Goodnight," he walked out and shut the door. Business, Harry's business.

I grabbed my phone again and texted Nick to see if he wanted to sneak in. He, of course, agreed. He climbed up the vine that wrapped from the first floor all the way up to my window and climbed onto my balcony. I quietly slid the glass door open and let him in.

"But we have to be quiet, Harry is right next door," I whispered. Nick was the only person I told about Harry because Asher and my other girl friends would freak out. "Buttt maybe we could sneak down to the movie room?"

"Sounds good, as long as we don't get caught," Nick smirked. I carefully opened the door and scanned the hallway for my brothers and Harry. I stepped out and Nick followed. We hurried to the stair case, being careful not to make a sound. We had to take the stairs slowly and be sure to skip the step that creaked, but we made it.

"Look at us, so sneaky," Nick joked. He jumped onto the giant beanbag in front of the screen and held his arms open. I grabbed the remote and turned the volume way down before jumping on top of him.

"What do you wanna watch?" I asked laying my head on his chest.

"What about our favorite?"

"You wanna watch frozen? Okay," I laughed. I put on the movie and cuddled into him. I suddenly got super nervous, like I subconsciously knew I would get caught. But I pushed the feelings aside and fell asleep cuddled into Nick.

"Hey, Nat, hey," Nick said while shaking me awake.

"What? What time is it?" I mumbled.

"I don't know but your phone has been buzzing a lot so I looked to see what it was and there were multiple texts from your brothers.

"Shit!" I sat up and he handed me my phone. "Shit shit shit! Leo got home and went to check on me and I wasn't there so now they all think I'm missing! What do I say?"

"Tell them you decided to watch a movie because you couldn't sleep. I will hide in the closet," Nick said. I nodded and quickly tapped away at my phone screen.

"They're coming down!!!" I whisper-shouted.

"Okay," Nick whispered back from the closet. I heard their footsteps stomping down the stairs and the butterflies in my stomach roared.

"Natalia! We were worried sick! Next time let us know before you do that!" Leo said as he ran over to hug me.

"Okay I'm sorr-"

"Wait whose shoes are those?" Rocco said, cutting me off. He pointed over at Nicks sneakers sitting on the floor next to the beanbag.

"Oh I-"

"Nick, come on out!" Leo said. Nick slowly opened the closet door and shamefully walked out. "Nick, go home, Natalia will see you another time."

"Bye, Nat," Nick said and hugged me before heading up the stairs to leave.

"And you, seriously?!" Leo said, turning to me.

"I-I'm sorry. I wanted to ask but everyone had gone to bed," I lied.

"So you just invited him anyways?" Leo asked. "And while we have company?" I nodded and looked down at the ground.

"We will, uh, leave you alone," Jack said and yanked Rocco up the stairs with him.

"How many times have you been spanked for sneaking people in and out?" Leo asked me.

"Too many to count," I scoffed.

"That's exactly right. What am I going to do with you, Nat?"

"Shoot me?"

"Stop, this isn't funny," he shook his head. "You're not gonna be able to sit for a month. Good luck on your 30 minute drive into Manhattan tomorrow."

"Leo, I'm sorry! Nothing bad happened!" I protested. "Come on, my birthday is tomorrow!"

"It doesn't matter! You let Nick come over at night, while we have company, and without permission. That is something you will be punished for and you knew that before you even did it," he said. He was right, I did know. "Bend over the goddamn couch!"

"Sorry," I whispered as I bent over the couch. He yanked down my pants so only my thin panties covered my ass. He began laying down snacks with his hand before he slipped off his belt and doubled it, laying down a sharp crack, then another, then another.

"Why are you being spanked, Natalia?" He asked, giving me a small break to answer.

"I had Nick over without permission."

"And has that EVER been allowed?!" His voice was slightly raised.

"No, sir," I said. He started laying down smacks and lecturing me until he had given me 15 with the belt. I laid limp over the couch, tears dripping down the leather. He pulled me up lightly and pulled me into a hug. I gave in and hugged him back, letting my tears stain his shirt.

"Okay Natalia, I have an early flight to catch and it's late. Run along," Leo said after a few minutes. I ran upstairs, still crying, and threw myself onto my bed.

I muffled my sobs with a pillow and reached back to rub the sting out of my burning ass. I'm pretty sure if he had given me one more hit, it would've caught fire. Then, I heard a knock at my door. I just wanted to be left alone, but I still told them to come in, figuring it was just Leo.

"Are you crying?" It was Harry. His accent rang through my ears and I quickly thought of what to say.

"Oh-uhm I just stubbed my toe, it's alright!" I tried to make myself sound more cheerful. I was not about to tell Harry Styles that my brother had just spanked me!

"Are you sure? You've seemed to be crying very hard for a very long time?" He questioned.

"Oh yeah, I just hit it on a corner so it reeeally hurts," I lied again. He nodded and said goodnight before walking back to his room. I sighed a sigh of relief that he had left me alone to wallow in my sadness and anger. I pulled my covers over me and hugged my pillow until my tears stopped and my eyes got heavy, soon to fall under a deep sleep.

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