Ch 54

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I nodded to the doorman as I walked into the apartment building. He gave me a funny look, with it being so late. But I knew where I was going and I think he could see that.

I pressed the 36th floor button and watched the elevator doors close. The floor beneath me started to rise quickly. The bell dinged when I reached floor 36 and I stepped out of the elevator.

The hallways was blanketed in a lush red carpet and the walls were pressed with a white striped paper. I felt like I was in a movie. Every door was a crisp white color with gold letters on the outside.

I looked for door number 36, on the 36 floor. That was the only way I could remember which apartment it was, the "36's".

I knocked firmly on the door and stepped back so I wasn't as close. I heard footsteps on the other side of the door. They hovered there for a moment, probably looking through the peep hole, before opening the door.

"What are you doing here?" The man said.

"He Fredo!" I said, trying to be overly cheerful to gain his approval. He smirked and pulled me in for a hug.

"You're brothers are going to kill you," he mumbled.

"We'll they're not gonna know!" I said.

"Cugina, every single time you run away, the same thing happens. We call Leo, you stay the night, he comes to pick you up, and takes you home and sp-"

"I know!!" I blurted, cutting him off before he could finish the 'S word'.

"Fredo, who is it?" A woman's voice called from inside.

"Come on," he ushered me inside, then yelled back, "My little cousin, Natalia!"

The woman appeared in the hallway and pulled me into an embrace.

"Oh dear, what's happened now?" She asked.

I started to tell her the story of everything that had happened: the disagreement with Leo, Leo sending me to Michael's, Leo coming and taking me home, and the other 'disagreement' with Leo that led to me climbing out my window and coming here.

"God, can't you just show your brothers a little respect!!" Fredo asks exasperatedly. I only shrug. "You're going to call them and tell them where you are."

"I'd rather not," I said.

"If you don't call them right now I will pull you over my knee and-"

"And what, Fredo!!" I challenged. His brows furrowed together and I almost giggled at the sight of him angry.

"Fredo, don't-" his wife started to say.

"Ally, shut up or you'll be next!" He threatened. She left us alone, stomping off to the kitchen. He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into the formal living room.

"Fredo, please just let me stay tonight and I'll call them in the morning!" I begged. He sat down on the green sofa and pulled me over his lap.

"You had your chance, but you decided to challenge me instead. Now look where that got you," he said, landing a sharp smack on my ass.

I didn't bother to fight back, though I couldn't help my legs from kicking a little bit. He only spanked me a few more times before yanking me up and standing me in front of him.

"I'm gonna call your brothers," he said. I cried and stood helplessly in front of him. He gave me a pitied look before pulling me down into his lap and cradling me. I watched him dial Leo's number and cried softly into his shirt. The phone rang a couple of times before going to voicemail.

"Leo, it's Fredo. I've got your sister here, just thought you might like to know. I've already dealt with her for thinking she's in charge, but you've really got to get this whole running away thing under control. Call me back," Fredo said.

"Okay, kid. Go to the bathroom and freshen up. It's the second door on the right," he told me. "Then you can take the guest bedroom across the hall."

I wandered into the bathroom and washed my face. When I turned the faucet off, I could hear the faint sounds of what seemed to be Ally getting the same treatment I got. I cringed at the thought of never getting out of this controlled lifestyle.

I quietly moved from the bathroom into the bedroom and shut the door. I put in headphones and tried to drown out the noise. I inspected myself in the mirror. Even though he'd only given me a few swats, I was still splotchy and red. I tried to rub the sting out, but I wasn't having much luck.

I gave up and got into the bed. It was large and white with fluffy cream covers and big throw pillows. I felt like I was laying in a cloud. I could get used to this.

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