Ch 6

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TW: Kidnapping

There was screaming and shouting and the sound of footsteps all through the house, then complete silence. A silence that reminded me of walking outside on a snowy morning. But this silence wasn't peaceful, it was a silence caused by fear.

After a couple minutes of the staticky silence, my door creaked open. I knew better than to come out of my hiding spot and it was a good thing I didn't. The person walked around the room and I heard the door creak.

I let out the breath I'd been holding in when all of a sudden, the closet door flung open and a man dressed in all black with a ski mask on grabbed me, threw me over his shoulder, carried me down the stairs, out the door, threw me into a car and slipped a blindfold over my eyes. He then tied my hands behind my back and got in next to me.

The car drove off and I felt his hands reach over and slap my cheek. I gasped but made sure not to give too much of a reaction. I held my breath and tried to keep my cool. I knew I would have 5 angry brothers coming for me as soon as possible.

The car screeched to a stop and I was flung over the man's shoulder again. I was carried into a cold building and forced to stand with the man holding onto me.

"Tell us where they keep it," one man said, he had a strong Russian accent.

"I-," I tried to form a sentence but I was so scared that I couldn't.

"Tell us or there will be consequences, little girl!" The other man said.

"Keep what?" I asked.

"Alright that's it!" The first man said. "Vlad, go get it."

Ah so the second man's name was Vlad. I truly didn't know what they were asking me to tell them. I was scared and alone and I so badly wanted to hear Leo's voice. I just wanted one of my brothers to burst through the door and take me home.

Vlad's loud footsteps shook me out of my thoughts and as he got closer, I felt my stomach drop.

"Drink," the man ordered. He held a cup to my lips and tilted it back so the liquid poured down my throat. I felt my brain swirl inside of my head and then it was as if all the lights in the whole world had gone out. I was unconscious.

When I woke up, I was no longer blindfolded, but my arms and legs were chained to a bed. The room was cold and the walls were dark grey stone. There was a small window up high and bright yellow lights. The small room almost felt like a jail cell. I wasn't wearing my swimsuit anymore, but I was now wearing a thin, white, nightgown-like dress. I looked down at myself and saw what seemed to be blood on the nightgown. I tried to sit up but was held back by the chains around my wrists.

I started to panic. I could feel my heart racing. I shook the chains around, trying so hard to break free. Then the door creaked open.

"Ah the princess is awake!" Vlad said.

"So are you going to tell us now?" Not-Vlad asked.

"I - don't - know - anything!" I replied as I struggled against the restraints.

"Mhm sure. Such a pretty little girl shouldn't be lying to me," Vlad held a knife to my throat and I desperately tried to squeeze out of the chains. I whimpered and Not-Vlad seemed amused.

"Just be a good little girl and tell us what we want to know," Not-Vlad said.

"I don't know anything!" I said again. Vlad and Not-Vlad exchanged a look and Vlad stood up. I was relieved to know my torture was over.

They left the room, and I was back to struggling against the chains. But I'm just a moment, they were back with what seemed to be a cup of the same liquid they had given me before.

Vlad started to push the cup against my lips, when Leo burst in the door. He held up his gun and, with perfect aim, shot both men right in the head. Then he ran to me and shook the chains to try to get them off. He couldn't get them unlocked so he had to shoot the clasps.

"Natalia, are you okay?" He pulled me up and saw the terrified look in my eyes. Then he e walked over to the mens' bodies and kicked them around. He picked up Vlad's head and punched him over and over until his nose was completely crooked and half his teeth were knocked out. I stood in complete and utter shock. Nothing in my entire life had prepared me for this.

I was still in that creepy nightgown thing, so Leo pulled off his t-shirt and handed it to me. I slipped it on and he picked me up and carried me to the car. As soon as he bucked me in, Rory sped away.

"Natalia, did they. . . Did they hurt you?" Leo asked.

"I don't know," I whispered.

"Natalia, what did they do to you?"

"They- they-," I started to cry.

"Okay, it's okay, you're okay now," Leo said as he wrapped his arms around me. He didn't ask any more questions and just let me cry into his shoulder. I had never seen him act like this. I looked up and noticed we were going into the city and away from our house.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"We can't go back to the house for a while, it's too dangerous. We're staying at a friends penthouse in Manhattan until I feel it is safe to go back."

"Well what do I tell Nick?" We hadn't known each other long, but everything I did had to do with Nick.

"You tell him we surprised you with a vacation and you'll be home in a couple of weeks." I nodded and he handed me my phone so I could tell him.

I was still softly crying and I didn't know what to feel. Although I don't think they did anything physically to me, I was still very disturbed. We pulled up to a building and were surrounded by men wearing all black as we stepped out of the car.

"It's ok, they're bodyguards," Leo said, noticing my fear.

We got up to the 45th floor and Leo carried me into the penthouse. All of my brothers were sitting on a long couch in the living room. When Leo carried me through the door, they all stood up and rushed to me. The penthouse was amazing. It was well furnished with a huge kitchen and a whole wall of windows looking out over the city.

"Natalia," Jack started to say something but was cut off by Leo.

"You should probably get some sleep, Nat." I nodded and he led me to a bedroom already filled with my necessary belongings. He helped me get settled and sat next to me in the bed until I fell asleep. All of this was very unlike him, but I kind of liked it.

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