Ch 43

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I woke up in a really good mood. It was sunny and the birds were chirping. I jumped out of bed and got ready for the day. I put on my school uniform and rolled my skirt ever so slightly, then headed downstairs.

"Hey guys!" I said cheerily. Jack was cooking at the stove and Leo, Rocco, and Dante were sitting around the table. Dante and Rocco both mumbled greetings and Leo didn't even look up from his phone.

"Good morning, Leo!" I emphasized, showing my annoyance.

"Morning," he said. "Get ready for school."

"If you would look up from your phone, you would see that I am ready!" I sassed.

"Get over here, right now!" Leo said. I walked over to him and he spun me around by my wrist. He landed five hard swats over my skirt.

"Hey! What was that for?" I exclaimed.

"Lose the goddamn attitude," he said sternly. I grabbed a protein bar and kissed my brothers goodbye, on the cheek of course.

I made it through the first couple periods and then headed to Mr. Bryant's class.

"What's up, Nat?" He asked, high-fiving me as I walked in the door.

"Nothing much, what about you?"

"Well my favorite student just walked in the door," he smiled.

"Shut up," I said while trying to hold back a laugh.

I was only somewhat listening to Mr. Bryant's lesson when I heard my name. I perked up and started listening.

"Yeah and she used to refuse to wear clothes! She would only wear a diaper! It was the cutest thing!" He said and the whole class laughed.

"Hunter!" I fumed.

"That's Mr. Bryant to you, young lady," he said.

"No, I'm going to call you whatever I want," I stood up and started walking towards him.

"I've got Leo on speed dial, Nat," he warned.

"Do I look like I give a shit?" I said. The class was getting free entertainment. Some kids even had their phones out to film. Hunter and I were like siblings since he'd been around so much for most of my life. Before I could cause any real harm, the bell rang.

"Nat, stay after class," he said while grabbing my arm to keep me from escaping. After all the students had left, he let go of his tight hold.

"You can't just say stuff like that!" I shouted.

"I know, I'm sorry for doing that. But the way you treated me was not okay. Whether I messed up or not, you can't treat your teachers like that."

"Okay, whatever sorry," I said and started to leave.

"Nat, I'm trying to work this out between us," he said.

"Okay," I mumbled as I walked out the door to my next class.

When I got home, Leo and Dante were in the office, Jack was laying on the couch asleep, and Rocco was nowhere to be seen.

"Nat, is that you?" Dante yelled.


"Get in here," he yelled again. I made my way towards the office and stepped inside.


"What the fuck happened in Mr. Bryant's class today?" Leo said. "Actually, I don't even want to here it. Just come here."

I walked over to him and he pushed me down so I was bent over the desk.

"Dante, get me the paddle," Leo ordered. Dante got up and hurriedly got the paddle for Leo.

"Leo, I'm sorry! Let me explain, please!" I begged.

He brought the paddle down hard, again and again. I was crying over the desk and screaming for him to stop.

"Leo stop!!" Dante yelled. Leo threw down the paddle and stormed out of the room. I felt Dante pick me up and cradle me in his arms.

"Why does he do that? How does he let it get out of hand?" I sobbed. Dante rubbed my back and hushed me. He then carried me out and over to Jack who had woken up from the commotion.

"Baby, what happened?" Jack asked.

"Leo went too hard," Dante explained and handed me to Jack.

"What did she do?"

"Apparently she got in some sort of fight with Hunter at school."

"Nat? Did you get in a fight with Hunter?" Jack asked me. I just sobbed louder and let my head fall into his chest.

"Do you want to go up to your bed?" Dante asked. I nodded and Jack stood up to carry me. Jack laid me down in the bed and sat down next to me. He ran his fingers through my hair and let me cry. I heard Leo coming so I pretended I was asleep.

"Is she okay?" I heard Leo ask.

"Not really," Jack replied coldly.

"Well I came to apologize," Leo said.

"She's asleep," Jack said.

"Fine, just send her to me when she wakes up," Leo ordered.

I didn't want to see Leo so I let myself actually fall asleep, hoping I would never wake up.

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