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My alarm rang at 8am giving me enough time to get ready and have breakfast with my parents.

" Dear can your father and I go out to the market? We want to take a stroll, being closed up in this space is no fun" mom looked up at me hopeful.

" Sorry mom, With that disease in China I rather you both stay inside. It's for your own safety, I promise that soon we'll go outside. To the house in jeju for the holidays" I held onto their hands hoping they'd understand.

"Okay dear, we'll listen to you. But can you at least order us some fried chicken for lunch?" Dad patted my arm smiling like a kid for chicken.

" Of course I can! Not even a question, You know I would do anything for you both" I kissed my dad's forehead.

I said my goodbye's to my parents, then left my apartment. Manager Kim sent me a text he was downstairs already waiting in the parking lot for me, so I made my way down too.

Getting in the car he greeted me telling me the reading would be done at Pledis Entertainment for health reasons.

" So when will we start filming?"

"I'm not sure Jinri, that would be something you ask during the meeting" He smiled turning back to the road.

We soon arrived and I was lead out and into the building. We were lead to a room where everyone was already set up.

"Hello everyone, sorry for the wait" I bowed and sat down in my accorded seat.

"Hello" Minhyun bowed from the chair across from me.

"Now that we have everyone present we can start. Please wear the face shield provided next to you taking off your regular mask" The director told all of us.

We all did as told revealing our faces.

"alright lets start this now" he smiled motioning for the co-director and the film crew to start recording.

The script reading went well with few alterations here and there. The time flew by it was now 12:45.

"Let's take a break for lunch"

Everyone made their way out of the room each to their own manager.

"Jinri lunch will be here soon, just a delay" Manager Kim apologized.

"it's fine, no worry" I smiled pulling out my phone. I placed the fried chicken order for my parents with delivery being 15 minutes.

"Jinri let's head to the cafeteria" Manager came into the room with the food.

We walked out finding the cafeteria and taking a seat far from everyone else.

"alright chicken green sauce salad for you and a triple cheeseburger for me" He pulled out the food and drinks for us.

"Thanks" I bowed then began eating. We ate in silence both working and eating.

"I'm sorry let me take this" Manager Kim excused himself to answer his phone.

I just nodded and continued looking through my Ipad and the offers I had gotten from brands.

"Hi there, do you mind?" a guy came up to me asking to sit.

"not at all" I smiled gesturing for him to take a seat.

He sat down across from me and a good distance from Manager Kim's food.

my phone rang with a call from my dad.

"hi apa" I smiled just answering the call.

"We just got the delivery, thanks dear, i'll be sure to save you some for later"

"thanks apa, enjoy your lunch, i'm actually eating right now too" I giggled.

"Don't forget to bring the cake you promised yesterday. We also just had some of the fish cakes in the fridge. I hope you don't mind"

"apa everything in my house is for you guys, i'll be sure to bring the cake later tonight, any special requests?" I took my apple pencil ready to write.

"Maybe strawberry filling with caramel drizzle. Oh and your mom says if you can bring her a fruit salad from the same cafe. That salad with condensed milk and the grapes and melon"

"Got it, anything else?" I smiled while writing. I loved my parents and spoiling them was always a goal of mine.

I could hear him whispering to my mom if she needed anything else. cute! "your mom says she saw that there was a discount coat for pepper at the Mart. Maybe you could buy one for Ink too"

"got it, if you guys need anything else please let me know okaY?"

"we will dear, Take care."

"I will apa, Love you"

"Love you too darling"

I hung up the call smiling at the photo on my phone, a photo of my family and I on vacation from last year.

I looked over at the guy who sat across from me. I wonder why he's alone.

"Sorry I took long Jinri, we have to get back to the reading now" Manger Kim came running over to me picking his lunch up.

"Understandable, you can walk me there but then I really hope you finish your lunch. Don't worry about me" I stood up putting my face mask back on and picking up my trash. "Here, please enjoy this" I handed my unopened juice over to the stranger.

"Oh thank you" He replied bowing constantly.

"Enjoy your lunch" I smiled and bowed before walking with Manager Kim again.

We made it back to the room where everyone was gathering once more. Manger Kim excused himself to eat his lunch as we resumed the reading.

"Finally! alright everyone it's already 8pm. That's a wrap" The Director stretched as Minhyun and I finished our lines.

"Director when would we be filming?" I asked politely putting my face mask back on.

"In two weeks, if we work hard enough we should finish in about 2 months"

"Thank you" I bowed thankful.

Manger Kim and I excused ourselves from the room ready to leave.

"Wait, manager Kim let me go to the bathroom I will meet you outside in the car"

"Okay, be careful" I handed him my tote bag before heading to the bathroom.

I finished up quick as to not make him wait when i bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry" the person apologized.

"It's okay" I smiled with my eyes at her continuing on my way.


I turned around to see a girl go up to the woman slapping her. oh my gosh.

"I'm sorry, i was here you were just with Mr. Yoon" the assistant tried explaining.

"I've had enough of your excuses, i'll see to it that you're fired"

"No please Miss, i really need this job" The woman sat on her knees holding onto the other girls legs.

"Get of me!" The girl slapped the manager again.

I had enough of the scene and decided to say something to her.

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