. VI .

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Breaking news:

Insider at Pledis Entertainment says Actress Bae Jinri's agency has filed a lawsuit against Big Hit's CEO Bang Sihyuk and Sowon of Gfriend. Both claims are set to be Assault and Defamation claims.

Another insider confirms to Dispatch that Bae Jinri was physically hurt at Pledis Entertainment and a video of her running with visible bruises on her wrists can be seen on the leaked footage.

Both Bae Jinri and Namoo Actors have yet to confirm anything.

Fans of the beloved actress are outraged at the situation and are sending support to Bae Jinri. These events are said to have happened today at the reading of the upcoming drama.

I looked over at apa who was looking at me worried.

"Jini you lied to me? those aren't scratches, those are bruises from the person who hurt you, aren't they?" Apa took hold of my wrist unbandaging them.

"It's really nothing, i don't want to worry you both, please apa. I'm okay. Truly I am" I smiled at them.

"Oh Jini" Apa finished unwrapping my left wrist seeing the bruises and the scratch marks.

"That's it I am going to personally beat the living shit out the person who did this to you" mom shot up from beside me walking to get her wooden broom.

Apa and I looked at each other shocked. Never in Life did my mother ever swear or get mad, that's a side neither apa or I had seen from her.

" Honey sit down, you're going to hurt yourself" Apa pushed me to get her.

" mom really, it's nothing. Please trust me i am truly fine, What happened today was worse for the defenseless manager who was being treated poorly by her artist. I did what was right, don't worry about me" I hugged them both smiling like always.

Little things like this won't make my smile go away, as long as both my parents live i have reasons to keep smiling even in tough situations.

"aish you brat. stop smiling, you get creepy" Mom lightly hit my head.

"be carful dear, if it was a CEO he might send threats, you know how those stuck up people are"

"i know apa. I will talk to manager Kim about it tomorrow."

We switched the channel watching a documentary again. Once it ended they both retired to their rooms as pepper and Ink joined me in mine. My phone had blown up with notifications from the nct boys and the only gal friend I have Ji-eun.

I responded to the boys saying I was fine also having a face-time call with a few of them. Ji-eun showed her support towards me helping ease the terrified feeling arising in my chest.

"Ji-eun I'm going to head to bed now, I have my final contract discussion tomorrow. Thanks for the support Unnie"

"Okay, let me know if you need any legal support or bodyguards."

"I will unnie. Goodnight"

Just as I hung up the call I got the call from none other than my two bestfriends. I accepted the facetime call with Minseok and Kyungsoo.



"I'm okay. The one who hurt me was the CEO. "

"I'LL HAVE HIS HEAD!" Kyungsoo started yelling.

the two went on to talk about how they would kill him and ruin him until his grandchildren felt it. Honestly i didn't even notice myself falling asleep.

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