Chapter 7

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Zoe's POV-

Ashton wasn't in for creative writing. At first I didn't know if I was relieved or disappointed, I wanted to find out more about this boy and try and be friendly. I didn't really know much about this boy and somehow that bothered me. He was so secretive and somewhat infuriating. The way he would sit there, ignoring everyone, it managed to bother me.

I guessed that he probably bunked school or something, until I saw him at lunch, sat on his own as usual. He was sat on small table by himself with his fists clenching on the table, he looked agitated. People would pass him, sometimes snickering. In response he would put his headphones in and somehow find a way to ignore them. He fascinated me.

"Zoe, what do you think?" Jess said, interrupting my thoughts. 3 pairs of eyes were staring at me, eagerly. I sent them a blank face.

"Saturday?" Michael said, giving me a nudge.

"What about Saturday?" I asked, still unaware of what they were on about.

"Kevin brooks' party." Luke explained. "Are you coming with us?"

"I guess so." I agreed. I never knew why I even went to these things. It always resulted in getting drunk, kissing strangers and making a fool out of myself. The worst part though was coming home the next morning with a massive hangover and feelig shit for the rest of the day. Also, if my parents realized they would shout at me, telling me about how dangerous and irresponsible it is to get drunk at a party.

"Hey guys." Calum intruded. He sat in the spare seat by Jess, who was trying her best to ignore him by fiddling with her bracelet.

"Hey cal." Michael said awkwardly. "Are you still coming round mine for band practice tonight?

"Sure." Calum nodded. Everything when awkward for a while, nobody knew what to say. I could tell that there was something uncomfortable about Calum being there, I couldn't stand it.

"Right." I hit my hands against the table and stood up. "I'm going to get a drink, anyone want anything?" Everyone shook there heads, apart from Calum.

"Actually, I'll come with you." Calum stood up, giving me a cheeky smile and a wink. I honestly wanted to throw up.

I tried to quickly walk out, but he caught up with me.

"Hey Zoe, it's been a while hasn't it?" I felt his hand trying to reach out to mine, I quickly moved my hand.

"What do you want Calum?" I asked, looking him in the eye.

"Nothing. I just thought it would be nice to you know, talk." He said, trying to act innocent.

"Well I don't want to talk to you." I picked up a drink and tried to walk away, yet again he caught up with me.

"I like it when you get mad." Calum said, smiling wildly. He drove me insane.

"Calum, do you know what, find another one of your sluts to flirt with and fool around with. I'm not interested!" I shouted, people started to turn their heads.

He reached out to my arm. "Aw babe."

"Fuck off Calum." And then I slapped him.

Calum looked down to me, I could see anger in his face. He stepped closer, his fist clenching. I knew he wasn't going to let me off for this. As he got closer I covered my face.

"Leave her alone, asshole." I looked up again, seeing another boy push Calum into the wall. Screams and cheers came from around the room. People started to chant "Fight, fight, fight." Calum stood up again and grabbed the boy who had saved me and it all became a blur. I saw the boys face. It was Ashton.


"So what exactly happened." Miss West, the headteacher said. We were sat in the headteachers office. I was sat in the middle of the two boys, feeling awkward. They both had bruises and blood all over their faces, especially Calum. The worst part was it was all my fault.

"Well," Calum leaned back in his seat. "I was attacked by one of the pupils here, as you can see." Calum pointed out the bruises on his face and looked towards Ashton. "And this isn't the first time."

"Do you have anything to say about this Mr Irwin." Miss West looked towards Ashton. He was sat there looking down at his thumbs. Calum snorted.

"Miss," Calum leaned over to the desk. "I was innocently just talking to my friend here." He pointed over to me, "Then Ashton just started to attack me."

"That's not true!" Ashton blurted out, looking angry.

"Zoe," Miss West looked at me. "Do you know what happened?"

"I" What could I say? I couldn't let Ashton get the blame. "It was my fault miss. Me and Calum were, um fighting and I slapped Calum. Ashton was just trying to protect me, he did nothing wrong."

She looked at the three of us. "Is this the truth boys?" Calum and Ashton slowly nodded their heads, nobody spoke.

"Well I guess I'm going to have to give you all a week of after school detention. Also Ashton and Calum, if there is anymore violence between you two than you will be facing harsher punishments okay?" They both nodded and will all slowly walked out, making no eye contact with each other, and walked our separate ways.


Cracks of lightening and thunder roared in the sky above me. A mixture of hail and rain was pelting over me, I kept running. I was late out again because of detention, later than normal today. I knew I wasn't going to make it, but I still kept running.

When I reached the bus stop, soaking and cold, the bus was long gone. I sighed, considering whether to call mum or dad for a lift, I knew they would get angry but I had no choice. I reached out my phone, no service, great just great.

So I stood there, waiting for the next bus. The rain just got heavier and by then I was shivering like mad, I wish I had a coat. Headlights passed me and my eyes started to get blurry.

I saw a car approaching me, at first I thought it was going to drive past like the rest but then it stopped. The driver opened the passenger door. "Get in."

A/N- sorry for the late update. I went on holiday for a week and there was hardly any wifi :( Also I realised that this has 3k reads so thank you so much :)))

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