Chapter 11

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Michael's POV-

"So then," I opened the fridge, taking out two cokes, handing one to Zoe. "It seems that we need to have a little catch up."

Zoe was sat on the kitchen island, gulping down the can of coke in two seconds flat. "What do you want to catch up about Clifford?"

"The part when you became friends with Ashton Irwin. I'm sure it was only a few days ago, you were saying that he was a creep." I said, thinking back to when she said that she hated sitting next to him in her creative writing.

She jumped down from the island, walking closer to me. "Well I got to know him a bit better. Yesterday, I was standing alone in the storm and he... saved me i suppose. I went to back his house and got to know him a bit better. He's really nice when you get to know him."

"Woah, stop." I put my hand out. "You went to his house?"

She shrugged. "Yeah, what's wrong with that?"

I gasped. "Zoe, for all you know he could have raped you or killed you. You hardly even know him. He's just a stranger. You should have just called me yesterday, I would've picked you up."

"I would've called you but there was no service," She complained, "And I knew what I was doing, I trusted Ashton."

As much as I loved Zoe, she could be so stubborn sometimes. "Zoe you hardly know the boy for fucks sake!"

"Well he's my friend now. The least you can do is give him a chance."

"I am giving him a chance, I just don't want you getting hurt."

"You don't need to worry about me Michael." She looked down at her empty can of coke.

I didn't want to carry on fighting her, so I gave in. I put my arm around her shoulder. "I just worry about you that's all. You're my best friend, I don't ever want to lose you. Ever."

Suddenly Zoe pulled me into a hug, nuzzling into my shoulder, I wrapped my arms around her. "You're never going to lose me silly. You will always be my best friend. Forever."

I giggled and released her. "Do you know what we need to do?" She looked at me, a smile tugging her face. "Make pizza."


Ever since we were little kids, whenever we had just had a fight or wanted to release stress, we made pizza. It was one of my favourite things, watching Zoe get so bossy, and pretending we were real chefs. Even after the countless times we made pizza, it always ended up tasting like shit. We didn't even care though.

"Michael that's too much flour," Zoe complained, as I poured the whole packet of flour into the bowl. "We're trying to make dough," She pointed down to the bowl, which was now overflowing in flour. "Does that look like dough to you?"

I turned my head sideways, glaring down at the bowl. "Um, it could be. Maybe we need to add some more butter."

I attempted to reach out to the butter but before I could reach she snapped my hand away, turning into her bossy self. "Michael, we don't need anymore butter, what we need is to get rid of this damn flour!"

I bit my lip, making a puppy dog face. "Sorry."

"Mikey, don't, not the puppy dog face." At first, she seemed annoyed, and then she dunked her hand into the bowl. Smiling, she gently slapped her hand across my face, flour flying everywhere. "You deserved that."

"Okay, that was harsh." I grabbed some flour out of the bowl, repeating her actions, slapping the flour onto her face.

"This is war Clifford." She said grabbing more flour.

Soon enough the whole kitchen was covered in flour, from top to bottom. I knew mum was going to kill me, I didn't care. Me and Zoe just sat on the kitchen floor, giggling like idiots, which we were.


"Okay Michael, you go first." Zoe was dangling one of the pizza slices in front of my face.

I took it from her hands, in all honesty the pizza looked very unappetizing. There was a lack of cheese and way to much tomato for one slice. Also, Zoe had insisted on chucking on massive strips of ham, before even cutting them up. There was still an overload of flour on the dough we made, even after using a lot of it in the flour fight. Overall, it looked like a piece of shit.

I took a bite into it, before spitting it out again. "Um, let's just say, that was the worst pizza I have ever had, in my whole life!"

"It can't have been that bad!" She giggled, taking the slice out of my hand and taking a bite for herself, spitting it out straight after. "Let's agree on never being chefs."

"Agreed." We shook hands. I looked around at the clutter in the all over the kitchen, from all the flour everywhere. I sighed "We should probably clean this all up."

Zoe looked around. "Yeah." She picked up her iPhone and plugged it into the speaker. Backseat serenade by All Time Low started playing. "Let's clean up in style."

I watched her as she danced along to the music, whilst putting the dishes into the sink. "You're so crazy sometimes Zoe."

She turned around and smiled. "I know."

I joined her at the sink and we washed up together, singing in time to the music.

"Zoe," I said, once the song ended. She glared up to me. "It's about Ashton."

She sighed and looked up to me. "Look, I don't want to hear any more crap about him,I know you may not like him but he's my friend okay?"

"Yeah I know. I'm just saying, I think he might like you more than a friend, I saw the way he was looking at you today."

She turned around, blushing a little. "Really? I mean, I don't like him like that, we're just friends honestly."

I raised my eyebrows threaded her , she rolled her eyes and looked away. "Well, if he's just your friend, why don't you invite him to the party on Saturday?"

"He wouldn't want to come." She rushed.

"I'm sure he would love to go, especially if you are going." I winked.

She sighed, putting the plate down. "Michael, we are just friends, end of conversation."


A/n- I am craving pizza right now.

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