Chapter 10

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Zoe's POV-

"Zoe, I need your opinion right now." Jess nagged, hitting my arm. "Shall I wear the blue dress or the black one?"

Me, Michael, Jess and Luke were sat on our normal table in the canteen. It was just another normal lunchtime, Jess was moaning about something, Luke getting frustrated by this and me and Michael pretending to listen to her.

"Why are you girls so obsessed about the colour, it's just a dress!" Luke sighed, biting into his sandwich. "Anyway it's just another one of Kevin Brook's house party's, it's not that important."

Jess slapped Luke in the arm. "Luke, I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to Zoe." She looked other to me, biting her lip. "So what do you think, black or blue?"

"Um black?" I hesitated. Jess raised her eyebrow. "But that's just my opinion, you would look great in any."

"Thank's babe," She smiled. "You can totally wear the blue one if you want, it would look a whole lot better on you anyway."

I gave her a quick nod. In the distance of the canteen, Ashton was searching for a table. I watched as people barged into him, pushing him, as if he wasn't even there at all. He never seemed too bothered about this though, it always fascinated me, he just ignored it.

I found myself standing up. Everyone stared at me. "I'll be back in a second."

Michael grabbed my arm, giving me a questioning look. "Where are you going missus." I shot him a glare, he released my arm. "You better be back." I rolled my eyes, Michael was always so overprotective.

I dodged past people in the busy canteen, making my way toward Ashton. The canteen wasn't big but it sure was busy, there were people everywhere. I could still see Ashton standing on his own by the wall.

Just as I was about to reach Ashton, someone grabbed my arm. Calum. He had a wicked smile on his face. "Hey babe."

"Get off me Calum!" I tugged. "Calum, what the fuck are you doing? Let me go!"

Ashton started to approach us, looking angry. Calum gently let go of me and winked. "We'll talk later about the date."

Just as Ashton reached us, Calum walked off. Ashton looked at me, "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

"N-no I'm fine." I scratched my head. "So, do you wanna come and sit with us?"

Ashton looked over to my table. He slowly thought about it, shaking his head. "They wouldn't want me there. They would be embarrassed to be seen with someone like me."

"My friends aren't like that." I followed his gaze, looking towards the table. He was looking towards Michael, who was watching me, making sure I was okay. "Just give them a shot. Please?"

He hesitated, scratching his head. "I-I don't know."

"Please! For me?" I grabbed his hand, giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Fine." He sighed and followed me back to the table.

When we reached the table, before anyone could said anything, I pointed to Ashton. "Guys this is Ashton, he's going to sit with us today. Ashton these are my friends, Jess, Luke and Michael."

They all stared up at me, probably thinking I was insane. Jess and Luke looked at each other, awkwardly. Michael, looking over to Ashton, was the first to say anything. "Hey Ashton, I'm Michael, Zoe's best friend. Do you play fifa?"

Ashton shook his head, making Michael to go into a state of shock. "Wow man. What are you doing with your life?"

I hit Michael on the shoulder. "Michael. The whole world doesn't evolve around Fifa."

Ashton gave me and Michael a quick smile.

"So Ash." Jess said, quietly. "I'm Jess by the way and this is my boyfriend Luke....."

Whilst Jess and Luke talked to Ashton, Michael budged closer to me. "You have some explaining to do Zoe. Want to come round mine." He whispered.

"Sure but I still got detention after school." I groaned.

"So then Ashton," Michael grinned. "If you don't play fifa, what do you do?"

Before Ashton could say anything, I answered for him. "He plays the drums, he's really good at it."

Luke and Michael exchanged glances. Luke looked at Ashton. "We're actually looking for a drummer for the band. Isn't that right Michael?"

Michael nodded. "Yep. If your good at drumming you could join the band. At the moment it's just me, Luke and Calum."

I watched Ashton's face darken. "I don't think Calum would really want me in the band, me and him aren't really-"

Before Ashton could finish, the bell rang, marking the end of lunch. Multiple sighs filled the room.


A/n- This is really crappy and short because I've basically been ill all week and I just rushed it today so you guys would get an update.

The other day this was rated like 750 or something in fan fiction you don't realize how happy i was :))

Thanks if you have been voting and commenting because it really means a lot :))

And thanks for reading in general :))

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