Chapter 3

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Ashtons POV-

I was stuck in after school detention on the first day back. I had honestly tried to control myself from punching Calum but he made me so angry. He thought he could scare me, he was wrong, he couldn't, nobody could. Yet again I had gotten the full blame and Calum Hood got away with it, and now I'm stuck in after school detention for the rest of the week.

The classroom door opened. "What time do you call this miss Coles?" Miss French started shouting as the familiar small blonde girl trudged in. "You are 10 minutes late!"

"I was with Mr Church." She said, looking tired.

The small girl looked around the room, catching my eye, before turning back around. "Well sit down Miss Coles." Miss French hissed.

I watched her as she slouched along the classroom, sitting at the opposite side of the room to me. Once she had sat down she started tapping her nails onto the table, checking the clock every ten seconds.

I didn't know Zoe very well. I had always assumed that she was one of the popular people in our school who hung around with Calum and his gang. But looking at her now I realized that might of just been a misjudgment. Zoe was pretty, there was no denying that. She had long blonde hair that hung down her back. Her skin was very pale and her eyes were a deep blue colour. She was quite thin and boney, making her look quite delicate.

There was a knock at the door, Mr Church walked in. "Hello Miss French, may I talk to you for a second?"

"Yes sure." She looked over to us, pointing her finger. "No messing about you two, or you'll be in even more trouble." We both nodded, as she stepped outside, closing the door behind her.

I looked over to Zoe. "So what are you in here for?"

"So Ashton Irwin actually talks." She said sarcastically, playing with her hair, still not looking towards me.

"What made you think I didn't?" I asked innocently.

"Well you didn't feel like talking earlier." She shrugged. "Anyway I'm here because Miss French is a bitch. What about you? Why are you here?"

"I punched Calum Hood in the face." I said straight out. I was worried about how she would react, I still was unsure if she and Calum were friends or not.

"Well someone had to do it sooner or later Calum is a douche." A sense of relief swept through me.

The door opened again and Miss French walked in again, giving us her firm look. "Well done Miss Cooper it looks like your going your going to be spending the rest of the week with Mr Irwin."

She sighed. "Yay more time in this dump." I heard her mumble under her breathe, so miss French wouldn't hear.

After the hour was up we finally were allowed to go. Zoe rushed off passed me down the corridor in a hurry, whilst I walked slowly down towards the car park

When I walked out the doors towards my car, I didn't notice it straight away. Written along the side doors on one side of the car was graffiti which said, creep in bold white lettering that stood out on the black car. I knew who had done it. Calum Hood. I tried to keep the anger hidden inside, but I still ended up punching the car, causing blood to start gushing out of my hand.


I tried to sneak into the house, hoping to avoid conversation with anyone, I almost made it to the top of the stairs before I ran into Dawn.

"Ashton, hey. When did you get back back?" Dawn said in her high pitched, sweet tone. She was smiling unconditionally, like normal.

Dawn and Frank were my foster parents. They were quite different to your average parents. First of all, they never raised there voice or shouted, they kept their anger inside and constantly smiled. Second of all, they would always keep in the same routine everyday and always had to be so precise about it. Lastly, they let me do whatever I wanted, they liked the fact that I was independent and didn't need to be taken much care of.

"Um I just got back actually." I mumbled, hiding my blood stained hand behind my back, hoping she wouldn't notice in case she freaked out.

"Okay anyway if you want some, dinner will be ready at 6 okay?" She picked up the laundry basket and slowly walked down the steps one by one.

I rushed into the bathroom and locked the door. I searched the cabinet for a bandage. Once I found one I carefully placed it on the wound, it stung but it was bearable, I had been through worse. I looked up into the mirror above the sink, I stared at the reflection on the other side, he looked sad and torn, I wondered if he would ever be happy ever again. I had been in this town for 3 months and I didn't fit in, I started to wonder if I could fit in anywhere. I was alone.


A/n - Hey guys what do you think so far??? I kind of rushed this chapter because i'm writing this at 1 o clock in the morning and I'm supposed to be asleep. I love reading the nice feedback in your comments it means so much to me, more updates soon i promise :)

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