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[AN: Hey readers! So.... this is a REALLY SMUTTY chapter! 😅 Definitely only for readers 18+. This chapter is the longest one yet, so get ready for a wild ride because it is a DOOZY! 😅Leave any feedback you have! Don't forget to comment/vote etc! Love you guys! :) /end AN]

"You need to eat."

You instinctively rolled over in the bed, laying flat on your belly letting out a soft moan as you felt exhaustion sweep back over your aching body.

Just a little longer...

Sleep was bribing you, pulling at every corner within your head. But something else was tugging you towards consciousness.

You just couldn't remember why it was so pressing.


Your eyes bolted open, heart slamming inside your chest, mind instantly recognizing who that voice belonged to. The room was faintly lit allowing your mind to quickly reorient you to your surroundings.

Dark silk sheets, dark bedroom, dark-side.....


You quickly flipped back over, eyes still adjusting to the light. It didn't take long though for you to see Commander Ren standing at the end of the bed, completely naked.

You felt your mouth instantly grow dry, though you told yourself not to, you couldn't help but rake your eyes over his thick body.

The light danced across his skin, illuminating his massive arms, strong abdomen, dense thighs, and large, erect cock. You swallowed, but it was as though the air was too thick to travel to your lungs.

You quickly looked down at yourself and instantly felt incredibly shy. The blankets were intertwined between your legs, your breasts and belly exposed. You covered your chest with your arms and reached for the blankets, pulling them up to your chin. Your face growing hot as you looked back at Kylo Ren. His eyes were glued to you.

How long has he been there?

"Good morning, Commander," you said so faintly you were certain he couldn't even hear you.

Kylo ran a hand through his hair. "You need to eat, small one." He walked towards you, gesturing to the jogan hotcakes and warm tea that rested next to you on the side table.

You looked at the breakfast and felt your stomach grumble. There were two hotcakes stacked on top of each other with jogan fruit spread across the top and a small bowl of jogan fruit syrup on the side. The tea was still warm, with steam piping from the top of the mug. Next to that, a glass of ice water. It looked fucking delicious.

"They are fresh," he added.

You smiled, "Thank you, Commander."

You felt heat rush to your cheeks as you realized you never got the chance to eat the ones from earlier.

You reached for the tea, cradling the large mug in your hands. You looked up at Commander Ren, holding his gaze as you pressed the cup to your lips.

Unfortunately for you, the tea was hot. Like, really hot. You quickly jerked your lips away from the mug, causing hot tea to splash out of the mug and down your chest.

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