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AN:[Hey my sweet readers, and welcome to chapter 7! Might I suggest you get a snacky snack, because this chapter is..... well, you'll read all about it soon enough! I just want to say thank you to ALL of your sweet comments, votes, suggestions and follows! Truly have the best bunch of readers right here! Alright, enough of my blabbing.... Enjoy 🤷🏻‍♂️]


You were running, breathless as you searched for him in the darkness, frantically ripping at the air around you with your hands as you fought your way back to him.

"Let me help you!" You screamed, your throat burning with a fire that resided deep inside as tears fell from your eyes.

You attempted to sift through the darkness but everything was just.... black. Empty.

You tried to relax and focus closely on the sounds around you, but all you could hear was the pumping of your chaotic heart as it echoed in the silence.

"Be with me, please...just be with me," you cried.

Your focus became more concentrated as you began to push beyond the stillness, desperately trying to reach out to him. Silence screamed through you until you could hear it, the ocean. Waves crashed and thrashed against what sounded like rocks surrounding you, at first it was distant, nearly muted. But as your focus grew stronger, the sound was deafening. As the ocean roared it's beautiful melody of rage through the choppiness of the current, you could hear him.

You could hear Kylo Ren.

"I'm always with you..."


Your body jolted to life, eyes flying open as you fought to catch your breath. You quickly sat up and searched the room, attempting to reorient yourself as your heart was pounding inside your chest.

"Get up, we are leaving," Kylo Ren's modulated voice ordered, causing you to whip your head towards his direction.

You instantly spotted him sitting in a chair in the corner of the room. Catching sight of him sent a shiver down your spine and a heavy ache to your heart as memories of what had happened began to overwhelm you.

You pulled your eyes away from him and looked down at your uncuffed hands, noting the light bruising that was forming like bracelets around your wrists. You rubbed your index finger along it, sending a hiss from your lips as you continued tracing the outline of where the binders once restrained you.

"Do I need to repeat myself?" He asked, as he stood, his large form dwarfed the room as his presence demanded attention.

"No, Commander Ren. You made yourself clear," you spoke, your voice filled with a sense of false stability as your eyes locked onto his visor.

You cradled your hands against your belly and found your footing as you stood from the bed, keeping your eyes on Kylo as you carefully, cautiously moved past him. Fear soared through you causing your heart to pound anxiously inside of your chest.

You quickly grabbed your boots from the floor, remembering how Vicrul had taken them off of you. Your heart missed a beat as your mind briefly took you back to his chest. For someone that appeared so scary, he was kind of nice...

I should thank him...

"You should hurry the fuck up," Commander Ren spoke, his voice shaking in anger.

Quickly, you walked towards the stairs and sat down, wasting no time as you began pulling your boots on, wincing as your wrists ached in protest. With shaking hands, you ignored the pain, as you began lacing one of the boots. You weren't sure if you were wincing more from pain or from the fear that held you close as you thought about what was waiting for you. The punishment you were sure to receive.

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