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"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!" Marinette shouts as she races to make it through the door before the final bell. Just as Ms. Bustier was about to shut the door, Marinette rushed through it only to see the entire class in different seats. Nino had taken her usual seat by Alya and Adrien was sitting all alone. Hugo was sitting in between Chloe and Sabrina now, looking very uncomfortable as the girls began to cling to him.

Marinette couldn't help but get excited by this fact because, although she was always close to Adrien, she had never had the opportunity to sit beside him. Alya knew what she would give to have this opportunity, and yet somehow it was happening. 

"How'd you pull this off, Alya? You're the best. I can't believe you got everyone to swap seats so I can sit next to Adrien." Then again, it might not be the best idea. It could keep me from paying attention in class, and if I fail it'd be a total disaster because then Adrien and I would never have our own house, the three kids, the hamster named–" Her mind began to wander on all the possibilities that could go wrong, always resulting in Adrien hating her.

Alya couldn't help but feel puzzled, wondering just how her best friend could come up with the solution that she was the one responsible for this. "Whoa girl, what are you talking about? You're not sitting next to Adrien. Your seat's over there." She then pointed towards the desk in the back of the room. No one else was sitting there to be her partner, which only confused the girl more.

"At the back? Why? What's going on?" Marinette asked, but none of them mentioned her name. Both teens knew that Marinette and Lila didn't exactly get along very well. Most assumed it was because of Marinette's jealously. Lila made it obvious that she had her eyes set on Adrien as well, but of course, would never admit it. 

"Well since she's got a hearing issue, there's no way she can sit at the back of the class anymore, right? Which means she needed a place up in the front." Nino explained with a shrug, purposely not mentioning who. He didn't mind because to him, it was no big deal. Adrien had his girls to choose from, if only he were more attentive. He could tell that Marinette was a special friend for Adrien, but he couldn't help but think that he and Lila would also make a good couple.

"So to make it work, Ivan sat next to Mylene, Nate sat next to Alix, besides she came up with the idea of moving Nino here, so now we get to spend more time together." She then glanced over at Hugo, watching as Chloe continued to try getting photos with him on her phone. "Besides, at least you're not Hugo. Imagine having to sit next to them."

Marinette couldn't help but notice how both of her friends refused to say who was responsible for this change. Everyone in her class was just fine with where they were sitting before. No one had trouble hearing Ms. Bustier. "Who is this "she"?"

"Good morning, students. I'm sure you've all heard by now, but Lila's home from her trip to Achu, and she's back in school with us again." Ms. Bustier says as she gathers everyone's attention. As she steps into the center of the class, she looked over at Lila with her famous kind smile, glad just to have all of her adorable students back once again.

"Hi, everyone," Lila says with her own smile on her face, looking over at everyone's faces before settling down on three faces. Hugo stared back at her with a mix of fear and discomfort in his eyes. Marinette stared back with distrust in hers. However, Adrien was different. Although he also knew the truth about her lies, he still stared back at her with kindness. She couldn't help but feel a bit proud of herself. She had only been gone for a few days and yet, she was still the most popular student in class, besides the boys. After the class greeted her, she couldn't help but pretend to barely notice her new seat in the class. "Oh, a seat in the front row! You all remembered about my hearing issue! You're such sweethearts, all of you." Knowing what this would do to her "best friend", Lila couldn't help but blow kisses towards everyone.

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