Heroes Day pt. 2

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Despite the fact that they knew that they shouldn't lose hope in their heroes, looking around at their frightened classmates one by one becoming akumatized struck a nerve inside Hugo's heart. He couldn't believe how many of his friends have already fallen.

"Yeah!" Time breaker shouts excitedly after Alix was transformed nearby Marinette. Marinette managed to rush into the restroom, avoiding the akumatize victims. Hugo only glanced back at her once as he followed Adrien in search of a hiding space.

As Adrien tightened his grip on Hugo's wrist, the two boys continued to run until, to their surprise, Gorizilla spots them and reaches for them. Adrien immediately pushes Hugo out of the way, not wanting him to get caught.

"Good, Gorizilla. Whatever happens, do not release Adrien. His safety is your number one priority. Now, come my dear akumatized friends." Scarlet Moth couldn't help but be amused at how well his plan was working out for them this time around. With this many akumas out on the loose, he knew that Ladybug and Cat Noir will have a difficult time defeating him as long as he has Catalyst by his side.

"Adrien!" Hugo shouted, watching his father struggle for freedom, unsure of what to do. He knew that he should transform and help fight, but there was a high chance that Hawkmoth was watching them. He couldn't do something so reckless even if it was to save his dad. "Let him go!"

Scarlet moth watched the other boy carefully, knowing that he would do anything to save Adrien. Hugo would have no choice but to transform, proving his theory that he and his sister were definitely without a doubt miraculous holders. "Grab Hugo, and make sure you don't lose him."


Ladybug jumps on top of the school building, looking down at the villains. "What are they doing?" She asked herself, a bit confused. Hawkmoth had never done anything this big before, but bringing together all the villains they defeated before was definitely out of the ordinary. However, she knew better than to underestimate Hawkmoth.

Little did she know that Scarlet Moth was watching her every move, tailing her with Vanisher.

"Do not let her out of your sight, Vanisher." He ordered. Scarlet moth couldn't hide the satisfaction he felt as victory came closer and closer to his grasp. Still, he couldn't deny that he was enjoying this little game between them. "She's probably going to recruit other superheroes to help her battle my army. Without knowing it, she's going to lead us to the guardian of the Miraculous."

However, it didn't take her long to realize something was wrong. She couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching her, following her every move.

To test out her theory, Ladybug climbed down into the sewers and hid, waiting to see if she was right. When someone opened the cover and started climbing down, she knew it could only be one person. Vanisher. Like before, it didn't take long to save Sabrina from tbe akuma, but when Sabrina told her what had happened, it revealed more of the puzzle to her.

Meanwhile with the boys...

Gorizilla began taking the boys away from the fight, keeping them both out of harm's way as ordered. Plagg and Ryu slipped out from their spots in the boys shirts and look over at them. Adrien was struggling to free his arms and Hugo, well, he couldn't help but be a little afraid as Gorizilla squeezed him a little too tightly. Although he was the eldest child, as far as he could remember, Hugo couldn't remember being in this much trouble before. Ladybug and Cat Noir were always careful to make sure that their hero life never came back to them.

"Hugo, everything is going to be okay," Adrien says as he tries to reassure him. "You and I both know that Ladybug always wins, right? We can't lose faith in her now."

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