Please, Believe Me!

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Adrien held this young child in his arms, confused and worried. What could she possibly mean that he is her father? It was impossible! No, he was more concerned with how this little girl knew who he was. What if she told people he was actually Cat Noir? Hawkmoth would hear about it and go after him all the time. Even worse, what if Ladybug were to find out he was Cat Noir and become disappointed?

"I'm sorry, Emma, but I don't know what you're talking about," he tells her, trying to keep a small smile on his face. "I'm just a kid myself. There's no way I can possibly be your dad."

Emma shook her head no before saying, "I know this all sounds weird, but I can prove that you're my daddy. I can prove it if you give me a chance."

As if to just entertain the child for a bit, Adrien nodded at her. He was going to give this little girl the chance she was asking for. After all, maybe she was saying this because he resembles her father, or maybe this zombizou attack scared her more than he thought it did.

"Alright, go ahead."

Emma smiles before saying, "my real name is Emma Agreste. You married my mommy when you were an adult because you loved her more than anything in the world. Um... you have a kwamii hiding in your pocket, and... um... you really like Ladybug a lot, and I know I can prove it to you, but I need my brother's help..."

Adrien relaxes a bit after hearing her little explanation, thinking this was definitely something she was coming up with on her own. After all, it was no secret that Adrien Agreste admires Ladybug, but even if she's seen Plagg, he could say it was just a fan gift. Emma doesn't have much information on him that could pass as real information.

"Emma, I think it's sweet that you want me to be your dad, but it's not possible." He placed her down on the ground before getting down to his knees to meet her level. "I know you miss your father very much, but won't he be sad that you're telling me this right now?"

Emma's smile faltered as she realized he didn't believe her.

"You are my daddy. I know it's you. I'm not wrong!" Emma couldn't help but drop her smile now as tears begin to form. "I remember that my daddy has an important job and can't always be there to play with me. He and mommy were superheroes. They saved Paris all the time."

Adrien felt bad for making the little girl cry and wanted to calm her down. He just didn't know how. Maybe they were police officers or something and save Paris in a different way. Hugo doesn't talk about his family besides his sister, so he wouldn't know.

"Maybe we can't do this. Maybe my mommy and daddy are doomed for real," she says as that negative thought came to her. She couldn't help but cry as she stepped away from Adrien. "I'm going to lose my mommy and daddy."

"Emma, please don't cry. I'm sorry," Adrien tries to apologize, wanting her to calm down. After all, the last thing the town needs is another akuma attack right now. He and Plagg still need to rest up a bit to regain their energy. "Please let me explain."

Emma shook her head no at him. "I know it sounds crazy, but I didn't make it up. You will be my daddy one day, but mine right now is in trouble. I want to save him and my mommy, but you don't believe me. I'm not a liar, and I'm not making any of this up!"

With that said, Emma ran off in tears as Adrien stood there with a guilty look on his face. He didn't want to make her cry, but there was no way he could possibly have a kid right now. And what did she mean that her parents were in trouble? Did something happen to her family? Is that why it is only her and Hugo right now? Maybe it was time, as a friend, to ask Hugo about them...

"You know you could have at least heard her out," Plagg says as he pokes his little head out of Adrien's shirt. "Didn't you see that hairpin she was wearing?"

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