Watchful Eye

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The next day at school, Hugo arrived with little energy thanks to his late-night out with Adrien. The boy couldn't stop himself from yawning, making the majority of his classmates join his side to ask what was wrong. Rose, being as sweet as she is, offered him a small treat to help wake him up a bit as Juleka frowned beside her friend.

Juleka looked over at Hugo's sleepy but smiling face, worried about what he's been up to late at night that made him so sleepy. She really didn't mind having him over at her house, especially when he and his sister have become part of their family, but she couldn't help but be a little concerned with them. Emma hasn't been herself ever since the zombizou attack and Hugo seems to only trust Luka with certain information. Neither one of the siblings knew what it was that Hugo and Emma were up to, but neither bothered to ask.

Just as Adrien and Nino joined Hugo and Rose, Marinette also entered the school, out of breath as usual from her run, and was immediately greeted by her best friend.

"Hey girl, so Nino and I were talking and we need to know your thoughts on something," Alya says as she pulls out her phone to look for the website she wanted to show her. "Okay, so we were thinking about checking out the museum's newest exhibit, but we didn't want to go alone. Nino insists on bringing Adrien with us, and since we're partnered up and all, we don't want to leave Adrien by himself."

Of course, at the sound of Adrien's name, Marinette grew excited at just the thought alone of being with her crush. After all, the last time they went out anywhere with them, she had to leave to visit the master.

"Alya, that sounds amazing! But what if I mess this up? What if Adrien doesn't want to go with me? What if he decides to ask someone else? Someone like Kagami, or Chloe?" That's when she noticed Juleka's concerned look on her face. "Wait, hold that thought, Alya. Is something bothering Juleka?"

Alya looked over at their friend before calling her over, feeling just as curious as Marinette. Rose followed Juleka along with them, keeping that smile on her face as the girls slowly began gathering together.

"Juleka, are you okay? You look like something is bothering you," Alya asked her, putting her phone back into her pocket.

Juleka looked down, her black hair falling in front of her face for a second before she pushed it back behind her ear. "It's nothing. It's just about Hugo and his little sister. What do you girls think about them?"

"Hugo? He's a nice guy, and his sister is really cute." Marinette says as the other girls agreed beside her. "Is something wrong with them? Why is he so tired today?"

Rose took Juleka's hand to support her friend before smiling up at her. Juleka looked over all the other girls before shaking her head no. She wasn't sure herself why it was bugging her so much that Hugo doesn't trust her with their plans. After all, Luka isn't the only one who could help them out. She could do more than just babysit Emma for him.

"You guys know that Hugo and Emma are living with us, right? Well, I just can't shake the feeling that Hugo is hiding something from me. He's always so close to Luka, but even Luka doesn't know everything that's going on with them. Emma hasn't mentioned anything to me either."

Hearing that made the girls glance over at Hugo as he yawned a bit, looking sleepy as Nino and Adrien did their best to help him wake up now. The boys were poking fun at each other, in a way that even Adrien could understand that it was all fun and games.

Seeing their smiling faces made all the girls' hearts swoon. The boys didn't pay any mind to the girls at that moment, they were too busy laughing.

"Have you considered just asking him what's going on? Or maybe Luka knows more than he's saying. Like a secret or something." Rose asked, figuring that maybe Luka and Hugo kept secrets just for themselves that even Emma wouldn't know. "You told me yourself that Luka and Hugo are really close now."

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