A warning in Paris

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"Marinette, wake up, girl! You're going to be late for the movie, and I heard Adrien was coming." Alya said as she watched her best friend sitting on her desk through the phone. "Nino gave me the heads up that Adrien wanted to see this new action movie."

At the name Adrien, Marinette jumped from her seat, almost dropping her phone in the process. "Adrien's coming! Oh my god, Adrien." As she quickly got ready, a thought hit her. "Wait, but what if I trip on him and he gets hurt. His father would never let him come back to school, and probably arrest me. I'll spend the rest of my days stuck in a prison cell, and to make matters worse, Adrien will hate me."

Laughing a bit at her friend, Alya couldn't help but think it was classic of Marinette jumping to conclusions like that. "Woah, girl. Chill out. Let's just focus on the movie tonight and get you a seat next to Adrien. I'm sure you would love that."

"Of course I would! A chance to sit next to Adrien! How could I miss that?" Marinette shouted out as she ran downstairs. "I'm on my way now. I should be there in ten!" With that, she hung up her phone, stuck it in her bag quickly before rushing out the door. "Bye mom, bye dad! See you later!"

As Marinette ran through the streets of Paris, she couldn't help but continue to rush. "Marinette, I have something I need to tell you. It's important ladybug business!" Tikki whispered, trying to get Marinette's attention. "I don't think it can wait!"

"What? What is it, Tikki? Are you sure it can't wait?" Marinette asked, slowing down to speak to her. She made sure that no one was looking as she spoke to her kwamii. "I don't want to be late for the movie, especially if Adrien is going. You know how important he is to me..."

"I know he is, but I felt something strange happen. I think we need to talk to the master about this. He would know if my suspicions are correct." Knowing Marinette has her own priorities as well, Tikki understood the promise that Marinette had made to her friends, but she didn't know whether or not it would be safe to wait.

Marinette stopped now, hiding herself from view behind a pillar. "Tikki, are you sure this is very important? I can let Alya know that something came up and that I'll be a little late if you want me too."

Tikki shook her head no, "it's fine. You made a commitment, and as your friend, I should let you keep them. We can talk to the master after the movie, but no later, okay?"

"Are you sure?" Marinette asked, wanting her kwamii to be serious about this. She didn't want to put something aside if it was really important now. "Thank you, Tikki. I promise, after the movie we'll go straight to the master."

As she continued to run, she eventually crashed into another boy. Without paying much attention to him or the little girl beside them, Marinette quickly apologized repeatedly before taking off again.

"Hugo, are you okay?" Emma asked her brother. "Wasn't that Mommy?"

Thinking back to their old photos, Hugo wasn't sure if that girl really was their mother. They could only be sure if she turns out to be Ladybug.

"Let's find Dad. He'll be easier to find for sure. He told us that grandpa wouldn't let him do anything as a kid. He couldn't go out on his own or even leave the house without his permission. "After all, he's an Agreste. He shouldn't be that hard to find."

Emma nodded before looking down to feel Honey moving around. "You have to hurry here. I forgot to tell you that my power does have a setback. When you're in the hummingbird suit, you are protected from it a bit, but since you go back in time for my power, the longer you stay, you'll start to forget things from your time."

"What? Why didn't you say so earlier, Honey?" Emma tells her kwamii with a frown. "We can't forget about mommy and daddy. I want them back now." Just as she was about to start crying, Hugo thought of something.

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