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"Sooo? How's my older brother doing?" Dream teased dragging out the o's.

To nightmare, dream was more of a physical affectionate type. He was not a fan of it but when it came to his brother he put that aside. "I'm doing great, I think." Nightmare responded stoically. "Where's everyone else?"

For a split second Nightmare felt slight panic in the room only to be distracted by Dream.

"Oh. Swap is visiting his papyrus and ink is in the doodle sphere!" Dream shouted seeming a bit nervous.

"And y/n?" He continued. Dream stood still.

"She didn't really say..." Dream answered. "Why do you ask?"

Nightmare flushed. "No reason. I just wanted to know." He coughed and tried to calm down.

Deep down he knew Dream could tell. He was always able to. It was a mystery if he just chose to ignore them. One thing they both had in common was how deeply emotions affected them.

"Dream." He called out just as dream was readying himself to leave the room. "Are you doing good?"

Dream smiled profusely, telling of his feelings towards the question. "Great actually, thanks for asking Night!"

Nightmare smiled in return going back to watching the TV.

"Well today is the day. The day where I say what I feel." Y/n tried to mentally prepare herself. The thought of possible embarrassment was one she would definitely like to avoid. It seemed like today cursed her like always.

Dream, blue, Ink, and herself were planning an outing for Nightmare and her of course. The plan was sound. Get Nightmare some flowers, while Dream set up a scenery in her flower garden, as ink and blue made the food. Everything except for the food was probably going to go great. That's what she thought till she went to find flowers.

What was the problem exactly, figuring out what flowers nightmare liked.
"Nils do think he likes daffodils or is he more of a rose person?" Y/n asked the spirit.

"Did he have a favorite?" Nils questioned.

"Um... I got it a pretty galaxy flower. "y/n smiled, "its a type of petunia. Has a white speckled pattern on its petals."

Nils gave the guardian a thumbs up. He went away with the wind.

"I just hope I don't screw things up more" she sighs getting a pot for the petunias.

"Oh no!" Blue shouted.

"What happened?" Ink looked up at the blue caped skeleton.

Blue's hands over his mouth to express his shock. Ink stood up from the sofa walking to the swap brothers' kitchen. Blue tried cooking something new. Surprisingly it looked good. The plater next to that however looked like a combination of all types of trash. His specialty tacos. Just another normal day in Underswap.

"How?" Ink looked confused.

"Tacos are hard to make okay. Don't judge me." Blue whined taking the platter and throwing it in the trash. "now I have to start all over again!"

"Maybe you should make something else." Ink suggested knowing the true horrors behind Swap's infamous tacos. remembering the texture of glitter in the tortilla shell still haunted him, soulless as he is.

"What! no i cant just let Y/n and Nightmare have a nice dinner without my specialty tacos!" Blue shouted.

Ink decided to help though he did think about not just to see how things would turn out for the pair. He now has an appreciation for that one useless recipe Cross has given to him.

"blue do you even have the ingredients for this?" ink asked. 

"well, not exactly. But I trust in Alphys' teaching!" The blue scarfed skeleton continued his banter with ink till they finally went to an au where they could get the ingredients to make tacos. 

"i didn't know that it was this complicated."  swap said reading this list.  

"they do say homemade is the best." ink pointed out.

Swap shook his head in agreement as he grabbed the cumin and put it in the basket. 


The decorations were something dream couldn't decide on. He was having second thoughts on not letting Ink handle this part of the dinner about he knew his brother more than Ink did. At least he hoped he did in the same way as before.

The door handle made a light noise making dream go into a slight panic. 

"Hey don't worry it's just me and I brought company." A voice chirped.

Dreams nerves settled down a bit. He recognized those auras anywhere, the one with a light heavy feeling and the other that is slightly overwhelming, Y/n and Omnia. 

"Miss Nils wanted help." Omnia playfully nudged her opposite force.

"Really Omnia." y/n sighed," anyways. Thanks for helping Nia."

"Totum wouldn't let me do anything other wise, old woman wants any excuse to see Nils." Omnia sighed.
Her flow dark hair was in a messy braid. She clearly looked like she was dressed for the occasion.

"Y/n, I know you're worried about thr whole place but maybe you should focus on yourself." The guardian chuckled to herself.

Only realizing that they did not dress the part they wanted to play y/n got flustered. Face palming because had failed to realize that. "Ugh , I can't believe... Why didn't you-"

"If you're gonna say why didn't I tell you earlier. I did sweetie." Omnia flucked her hand dismissing that sentence. Y/n groaned once again to her annoyance the conversation popping in her head.

"But hey you still have time so you go do that. Dream and I will have this sorted-" a gasp came from dream." From that I'm guessing that nightmare is also underdressed."

Dream nodded. "It's a good thing theres an alternate universe for everything!" He opened a portal to Nightmare.

As the golden portal wisped away you could hear "Hey nighty! We're having an outing-"

Omnia looked at y/n expectanting the gaurdian to go through her plans. The stare eventually did drive the guardian to do just that.

"Finally, now I can finish what they've started." Omnia clasped her hands together as a purple energy released from her.

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