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"Dream,Look." Y/n pointed at a figure who was looking around the place. "He kinda looks like you but doesn't at the same time."

Dream looked deep in thought before picking up on what y/n said. "We have to talk to them."

Dream went to talk to the stranger.
"Dream. What if they hurt us." Y/n whispered loudly.

"Its our only chance." Dream pressed on. Y/n was not so sure about this.

"This au is something." Dream heard the figure say.

"Um..hello. Who are you?" Dream asked.

The figure was startled and turned around. "Are you talking to me?" They pointed to themselves.

Dream nodded.

"I'm Ink. Protector of Au's." Ink greeted.

"I'm Dream. I don't mean to be rude but why are you here?" Dream said.

"Oh.. I forgot. I was just looking around felt kinda bored and now I'm here." Ink recalled. He looked around a bit, "It's a bit beaten up here isn't it."

Y/n still watchibg from the bush decided. To ho where Dream was. This "ink" guy seemed harmless enough. As she walked Dream gave her a smile.
She stood there waiting for Ink to notice her presence.

"Wait a second...." Ink paused to think" someone else is here."

'God this guy is weird.' Y/n thought.

Ink turned around to see Y/n. An akward smile flashed on her face." Hi?" Her greeting came out as a question and it made her want to throw herself of a cliff.

Ink didn't seem to care and introduced himself to her with the same dramatic intoduction as he did with Dream.

Y/n was starting to get impatient. They had come to ask for help not look at someone oogle around.
She cleared her throat making the two skeletons look at her.

"Ink. We didn't come her to just watch you. We have a reason why we are here." Y/n explained. "We need help."

Ink just looked at her abd Dream cobfused.

"A lot of things have happened to us. But i will be brief on it." Y/n proceeded to share a summary of the course of events that had happened.

Ink showed interest and offered to help them out.
"Watch this ." He said grabbing his giant paint brush.
He created a mess of some kind of ink or paint on the floor. Y/n looked at him confused.

Ink motioned to the puddle. They still didn't get the idea.

"Oh. Right." Ink realized. "Thats a portal. It help you get out of this place."

"Shoulda said that earlier Ink." Y/n said.

"Sorry?" Ink shrugged.

Y/n sighed as she jumped through the puddle leading to nothing.

"Why is there nothing here?" Y/n asked.

Dream and Ink followed shortly.

"This is the anti void. I couldn't think of anywhere you could go. But i can always make something with my trustful companion." He pulled out his gaint brush. "Broomie."

Y/n snickered a bit. "Broomie?"

"Yep."Ink said proudly.

Dream just shook his head." Where are we gonna go Ink." Dream brought the conversation back to topic.

"Oh right. I was thinking of making a house or something." Ink continued.

They talked and decided on plans.
While they were discussingthat Ink trailed off onto several topics. They all had something to do with the Au's.

Y/n wasm interested on the very existence of them. How could there be so many and each have their own story.

She was in awe.


A bond had grown between the three. They learned more about the nultiverse. Wel Y/n did. A desire to perserve it ran through her veins.

Ink had decided to show them the doodle sphere. A new adventure had begun for the old soul.


Traveling through the multiverse was something Y/n did often. She made new friends, saw new sights. She loved almost every one.

Ink and Dream had intoduced her to someone named Blue. He was a bit eccentric and noisy but he was great company.


They had formed a group to protect the multiverse. The four now best friends were called the Star sanses. Despite Y/n being caled Y/n she let them have the name.

It was then where things had started to become a little too dangerous for Y/n.

"There's nothing here Ink." Y/n whispered.

"Just keep looking." Ink turned to look at her. Missions like these were ones he took seriously. Y/n knew this and pressed on.

She looked and searched every crevice until she found what she was looking for. The culprit behind the destruction of this part of the Au.

"Ink, Dream, Blue! I found them" y/n called.

"Nice work N/n. We'll be there as soon as we can." Ink responded.

While she waited she hummed a familiar tune. It made her a bit melancholy. She thought about it for a second.
There was a flash off light showing that the voys were there. She stood up.
"y/n!" Blue shouted.

"Where are they?" Ink asked.

Dream had a look of worry.

"Around the corner. They were busy wrecking the place when i saw them and still are." Y/n stated.

The gang planned thier attacks accordingly and aet foot on the battle ground.

The street was beaten up. Cracks ran through the pavement and the road. String hung from buildings. Maniacal laughter heard in the distance. It smelled like smoke. This made y/n gag a little. She was a bit jealous of the akeltons right now.

Each step was more jarring than the last as they readied to attack.

"On a count to three." Ink announced .


Sirens blared.

Shrieks of terror rang at all possible areas.


Y/n took a deep breath and ran for it. She saw the sanses heading to the source of the problem and did her best to keep up the pace.

She had reached a building where in the inside people ran out. She slid her way through to find the true enemy.

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