high five*

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This is inspired by a comment on tiktok, so all the credits go to the person that commented it! This is on the shorter side and hella shitty, I apologize-


''Tamaki you did it!'' You smiled bigly as you held your hand up for a high five. Tamaki blushed and grabbed your hand carefully, intertwining your fingers as he softly placed a kiss on your palm and fingers. ''T Tama-'' You said as you turned red. ''I- S sorry.'' He said as he turned red and looked away from you. Mirio saw what happened and whistled at you guys, making both of you turn even redder and letting each other go.

Tamaki had to do a presentation in front of the whole class today and he was really nervous about it obviously. You kept telling he could do it and that you believed him. That somehow made him more confident since you, his girlfriend was proud of him. You guys hadn't been together for that long, but you were his motivation, you have always been since elementary school. He messed up a few times during his presentation but you were still proud of him and you were gonna let him know.

''Hey Tama?'' You said softly, looking back at him. ''Y Yes?'' He said as he looked at you again. ''I'm really proud of you.'' You said softly and grabbed his hand again carefully. ''R Really? I mean I I messed up.'' He said, doubting himself again. ''But you still stood there Tama.'' You said softly and pressed a kiss on his cheek, making him turn red again. ''You stood in front of the class the whole time and didn't even black out completely.'' You told him again. ''T Thank you y y/n.'' He said and looked at you.

You smiled at him and carefully pulled him in a hug, not wanting to make him feel uncomfy. ''I knew you could do it.'' You said softly as he hugged you back. You guys were going slow in the relation ship, but you didn't mind. You wanted to do things at his tempo and not rush anything.

tamaki amajiki x reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now