your birthday (headcanons)*

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This is inspired by a comment on tiktok, so all the credits go to the person that commented it! I decided to make these little headcanons!


Tamaki would always remember your birthday and think about what to do for it, you were special to him and he wasn't gonna forget your special day.He would usually plan small gifts, usually handmade.Tamaki loved making things for you, he took his time with it as well, being happy when he finally finished it but getting flustered when you call him out on it, telling you it was nothing much after.He would've thought about planning several surprise parties for you but the people he had to contact and the fact that more than just a few people would come, scared hm.He'd end up taking you to his house on your birthday most of the time, away from your family because the teasing was too much for him sometimes,The both of you would watch romcoms together (or any other genre you like) while he snuggles up to you.He wouldn't fail to give you the birthday feeling.His house would be decorated nicely, all decorated in your favorite color.He would give you the presents trough out the day, not wanting to give them all at the same time and wanting to keep it surprising.Tamaki would also have gotten you cake and cupcakes, all of your favorite snacks too.He would walk into the room with candles on them, singing you happy birthday shyly and getting all flustered afterwards.Nonetheless to say, your birthday was spent good, even if it was with just Tamaki. He didn't fail to make you feel special and you were with the person you loved after all.

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