daddy's girl

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Y'all nasty if you guys thought this wasn't a wholesome oneshot, anywayyy😳


You smiled to yourself as you heard your daughter play around in her room. You softly sang along with your music while preparing dinner for your husband who could come home any time soon now. Tamaki and you were both pro heroes, obviously working on different days, so one of you could stay home with your daughter. Your daughter looked up to both of you and you couldn't be happier.

''Mommy I I'm hurt.'' Your daughter said, tugging at your shirt. You had just finished the last few things and lifted her up. ''What happened baby?'' You said softly and looked at her knee, seeing that it was bleeding a bit. ''I I fell while playing with the toys..'' She sniffed. ''Poor baby, let's take care of it.'' You said and walked into the bathroom, placing her down on the sink.

''No I I want daddy!'' She said. ''Baby daddy will be home any time soon, but I gotta clean that up before it gets worse.'' You said and grabbed the things you needed. ''N No I'm scared.'' She said and turned away with tears streaming down her face. ''What about you hug your sun eater plushie while I take care of it?'' You said softly, knowing for a fact that that was her favorite plushie she owned since Tamaki was her number one hero. ''It kinda would be like daddy was here wouldn't it?'' You asked and she nodded softly, holding on to the plushie.

''This might hurt a bit.'' You said and took care of it. Just when you finished and walked out of the bathroom with your daughter, you heard the front door open. ''Hey babe I'm home.'' You heard your husband say and a smile formed on your face. ''Guess who it is baby?'' You said and put your daughter down. ''Daddy!" She said and ran towards him, forgetting about her knee.

''Hey princess.'' Tamaki said with a smile and lifted her up. ''Daddy I got hurt.'' She said and pouted pointing at her knee. ''Want a kiss?'' He asked and she nodded quickly. Tamaki placed a kiss on her knee and she giggled. ''It's all gone now daddy!'' She giggled. ''Oh is it really?'' He asked and he nodded. ''I hugged your plushie when mommy took care of it so I didn't cry!" She said and you laughed. ''We've got a liarrrr.'' You said and walked towards them.

''Mommy that was supposed to be a secret!'' Your daughter said, making Tamaki laugh. ''Hey babe.'' Tamaki said and pecked your lips. ''Hey Tama, how was work?'' You asked with a smile, resting your head on his shoulder.

''It was tiring, some villains tried robbing a bank and they had troublesome quirks.'' He said. ''But you kicked their asses right daddy?!'' Your daughter said. ''Hey language, you really are daddy's girl aren't you?'' You said and looked at your daughter as Tamaki put her town. ''Sorry mommy and yes I am, he's my number one hero!'' She said excitedly.

''What about mommy?" You said with a pout. ''I hope our next one is a mommy girl or boy.'' You mumbled, making both Tamaki and your daughter laugh.

They were your happiness and your reason for everything, without Tamaki you wouldn't be here where you were today and you probably would never have a kid.


tHis was cute in my head bYE

tamaki amajiki x reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now