the reader with social anxiety

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It was a nice day out, the sun was shining, the breeze was just right and the sky was blue. You and your boyfriend couldn't stay inside on a beautiful day like this so you decided to go out together.

The only problem was that the both of you weren't the most social people and didn't like socializing that much, maybe even terrified of it and from time to time it was hard to go out together.

As the time went on you got used to it though and came up with different ways to comfort each other when it got too hard, not only in public but in general too. That didn't mean that going out wasn't scary anymore.

The two of you weren't really the type to be in public together to begin with, that's why it was hard each time and like being out in public wasn't enough, most of the time something had to go wrong when you were out.

"It's pretty crowded at the park-" You mumbled, looking down as you squeezed Tamaki's hand nervously. "I know- It's only normal though, it's the perfect weather to be at a park." He answered and you nodded in agreement, walking through the park while it seemed to get more crowded with the second.

"A lot of people are coming here all off a sudden Tama." You started, looking up at him nervously, noticing that he was getting nervous as well. "Is it too much for you babe?" He asked and you thought for a bit.

You looked around at the crowd, feeling like people were judging you for being scared and nervous in a place like this. It felt like they were calling you weak and a pussy for feeling this way so you didn't wanna leave and make it come true.

Yet you were panicking, you really were. Your breath started picking up and you were squeezing Tamaki's hand tightly. Those people were laughing at you, it felt like they were.

In reality no one was even looking in your way but how could you know? Your thoughts were telling you they were.

"Y/N-" Tamaki called out once again, trying to get you out of your thoughts, noticing that you were having a panic attack. "Huh?" You mumbled, looking up at him with teary eyes and Tamaki knew enough.

"Let's go somewhere else okay? I'm here." He told you on a soft tone, rubbing his thumb over your hand gently and you nodded.

Tamaki was a bit nervous himself as well, it was nothing new but that didn't mean he could ignore the way you were reacting. You were having a panic attack, small or not, it didn't matter. He was going to take you away from the crowd, helping you calm down, knowing you'd do the same for him.

Not much after, the two of you arrive at a place where there's barely anyone. Tamaki carefully sits you down on a bench, sitting down next to you while you were confused on your surroundings.

"Shhh, we're safe now." Tamaki told you, wiping your tears away with his gentle eyes. "Please- Hold me." You asked him and he gave you a warm smile, wrapping his strong arms around you.

The male let you rest your head on his shoulder while he rubs your back gently, placing a few kisses here and there. He started talking about the most random things, trying to get your mind of the crowd and telling you that it's okay while rubbing small figures on your sides.

Tamaki continued doing this for as long as you needed to calm down, sometimes it would take longer than other times but it was okay. You would do the same for him and at the end of the day, you guys had each other and that's all that mattered.

tamaki amajiki x reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now