~The Big Night~

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(Thank you guys so much for 600+ reads! I might as well thank you before this long chapter begins.)

-The Night Of The Gala-


Well, here we are. The night of the gala. All of mine, and Nolan's hard work depends tonight. I went over to Nolan's house to change into my tux. He gave it to me and I went into his spare room.
I changed into the white suit, some black leather shoes and the rose I attached to it.

 I changed into the white suit, some black leather shoes and the rose I attached to it

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After I finished changing, I came out and saw Nolan outside.
"Looking just as good from the day you tried it!" He said, having his own suit on.

"Looking just as good from the day you tried it!" He said, having his own suit on

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"Thanks, Nolan." I smiled. "Honestly, you've really been a lot of help in this whole 'Me and (Y/N)' situation.
Honestly, how can I ever repay you?"
"Well...there is one thing." Nolan says.
"What is it?"
"The thing I want, is that you give it your all with (Y/N) tonight!" He says, happily.
I laugh. "I'll try."
He laughs too. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get in the car!"
He runs to the car, and I follow.

Well, it's now or never.

-After the car ride-

Here we are.
The grand hall.
I stepped out of the car and saw lots of other dolls crowding around it outside.
Nolan quickly jumped out.
"SHOOT! They're waiting for me to let them in! Cmon Lou!"
He grabbed my arm and we both ran to the front doors.
We found a way to the front of the crowd and managed to create some space.
Nolan cleared his throat.
"H-hello everyone! I'm sorry for the minor inconveniences." He announced.
I noticed that all the other dolls were looking distastefully at me.
Nolan noticed and quickly stepped in front of me.
"B-but! That can be solved now! I'll just uh...unlock the door!"
He fumbled through his pockets for the key.
He took out the key, unlocked both doors and let everyone in.
I went inside.


This place...again, like that expensive store Nolan took me too, this was a fantasy come true!
The diamond chandelier that hung above me was sparkling, the table of drinks and carefully cut foods smelt amazing, a stage for The Imperfectionists to perform on! I wonder what they're gonna look like, particularly (Y/N).
"Nolan, I've gotta ask, how on earth did you get this?" I said.
"I told ya! Hardworking and fabulous poses really makes the cash." He smirked. "Come on, let's go!"
We started towards the stage where most of the dolls were, when suddenly the door opened.
I turned around to see (Y/N) and The Imperfectionists!
I quickly made a run for it and hid behind a nearby curtain.
I peeked out behind it slightly just to see (Y/N). It puzzled me to see her and the rest in...casual clothes? I saw her and Nolan talking about something, carefully sneaking quick glances at me.
What were they talking about?

~Imperfectionism~ (An Uglydolls Lou X Fem Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now