~All Dolled Up~

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"Here we are!~"

I step out of the car freeze. My jaw dropped. The most expensive store in Imperfection is sitting only a few feet from me.
"Woah Nolan! Are you sure you have the right store?"
Nolan nodded with a smirk.
"I'm serious, Lou."
"Is this really ok with you? Have you even got the money?"
"Absolutely! Now, what are we waiting for?"
Nolan runs inside as I run with him.

Oh. My. Doll.

The place looks like something out of a fairytale. The endless amount of pretty clothes on mannequins, the pristine mirrors, hell, they even had a friggin fountain! I looked around in awe of this amazing place. Nolan folded his arms.
"Pretty cool, huh?" He asked.
"Pretty cool!? This place is amazing!" I looked back to him. "Are you sure we can afford anything?"
"Ah-ah-ah! There's no 'we'. There's 'I' because I'll be paying. And yes! Wow, my job had really payed off."
"Nolan, if you don't mind me asking, what is your job? Well, aside from playing for The Imperfect-"
Shoot, my mind was on (Y/N) again.
"Uhh...model." He saw my face. "Lou, you ok?"
I got back to my senses and quickly said "Y-YEAH I'm fine."
He again, did that smirk.
"Well, ok then. Let's go shopping!"

~Time Skip~
After about 30 minutes later, I had perfect outfit. A white, flawless AND designer suit, paired with matching trousers. Nolan looked at it, smiling, wearing a black suit of his own. He stepped back and closed one eye.
"Lookin' sharp Louis! But...there's something's missing."
He quickly glanced around the store until his eyes laid upon a bouquet of roses. He dashed to it with an a excited face.
He returned with two roses in his hand. He snapped of some of the excess stem and threaded it through my suits top pocket. I look back in the mirror.
"There! That's more gentleman."
I look back over at him to see he has a rose too.
I smile as I step towards Nolan.
"Nolan, honestly, thank you. For everything! And...I'm sorry too."
"No problem Lou, and remember! Clean slate! We all deserve a second chance."
He smiles back.
"Well, let's head over to the checkout so I can pay for these, ok?"

~Imperfectionism~ (An Uglydolls Lou X Fem Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now