~The Plan~

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-The Next Day-
~Lou POV~
I wake up, tangled up in my sheets and my hair is messy. It seems I went to sleep in my uniform too. Good thing it's my day off today. I sit up in my bed, holding my head as I close my eyes once more. Before I even stand up, I hear a knock on my shed door. I get up, slightly stumbling. I open the door to see Nolan.

"Oh, hey-" I pause to yawn. "Nolan."I try to sound happy, but I'm just too tired.
"Hey Lou! Forgive me later."
Before I can even answer back, Nolan grabs my arm and dashes outside.
"I said forgive me later Louis!" He yells.
The fact he's grabbing really hard makes this situation even worse.
Finally, we stop. After being release from his grasp, we're outside of his house.
Nolan opens the door, gesturing to come in.
"Nolan I swear to God-"

I stop as I stare at his house.

The atmosphere of his house is pretty nice. His couch layered with cushions, a nice, warm fireplace and a little essential oil diffuser.
"Please, sit." He moves his hand to the couch. "I'll fix us up a drink."
He walks into the kitchen as I sit down. Woah...this is comfy. I could literally sink into this.

While waiting, I glance around the living room at all of Nolan's little ornaments. A glass horse figurine, a picture of him and Mandy and a little vase with roses. It felt cozy...

After several minutes, Nolan came into the living room, holding a tray with two cups of tea.
"Here you go!~" He places it down on the table in front of me. I take a sniff-it smells DELICIOUS.
"Wow, this smells amazing!" I said excitedly.
Nolan smiled. "Take a sip, it's the best."
I take a sip.
This is literally one of the best things I've ever tasted.
"Nolan, I never knew you were so good at making tea! Thanks man!"
"No problem!" Nolan once again smiles. "Now, let's get down to business."
"Hm?" I make a confused face as I place down my teacup.
"I'm talking about (Y/N).
"Oh my gosh- the doll ya like!"
"Ohh..." I pause awkwardly. "Well, what about her?"
"Well, ya like her right?"
I nod.
"Well, I have an idea for her to get close to you!" Nolan's face looks excited.
"And that would be?" I say as I raise an eyebrow.
He got up and started doing a little dance- wait a minute- that's the dance I did in my song!
"Nolan what are you-"
He stopped.
"You ask her to dance!"
"Ask her to-what? How? When? What? Why-"
"You finished listen the five w's plus how?"
"Listen, I'll tell you how. I'm hosting a massive, and I mean MASSIVE gala. Everyone gonna be coming in fancy outfits, the best food will be in it, and, to top it all off, The Imperfectionists will be performing there! Then, when the mood gets all nice and slow, two words."
"What words would those be?"
"The. Ballroom."
"Wait- how on earth did you get one?"
"Yeah...you can rent them now! Expensive as hell though. As I was saying, when the mood gets all nice and slow, people will start to choose someone to dance with. And...you know where I'm going with this right?"

I lean back and think about this for a second...

Me, in a perfect suit, my hair, sharp as always, a dapper gentleman asking (Y/N) to dance?
Hell. Yes.

"So? Are you in?"

"Let's do this."

~Imperfectionism~ (An Uglydolls Lou X Fem Reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now