~Gala Planning~

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I remembered I had to head over to Mandy's house for the gala planning. I was in the Uglyville part of the institute, and I saw a stand being run by an orange doll with fangs. I went up to her and saw the lovely little cakes on display. She said hello, and recognized me from the concert. She said her name was Wage and that she was delighted to see me. I smiled and said I was too! I bought on of her cakes, handed over the buttons, thanked her and gave her an extra tip. I went over to Mandy's house and knocked on the door.
Instead of seeing Mandy at the door, I saw Tuesday opening it instead.
"Oh, hey (Y/N)! Ready for the gala planning?"
"Hey Tuesday! Yeah! I'm really excited. "I got us some little treats on the way."
"Aw, you didn't have to." Tuesday smiled.
"What are you on about? Obviously I'm gonna get some treats for my favorite ladies!"
"Aw you!"
We both giggled as we headed on inside.
I saw Mandy, Lydia and Kitty, all in onesies, sitting around a table with mugs on it, along its them holding pencils as notepads were also on the table
"Ok so we could maybe do Aftermath or- ooh! What about Lone digg-"
Kitty looked up at me.
"Oh hey (Y/N)!"
"Hey Kitty! And Mandy, and Lydia."
I smile.
"I got y'all a lil something."
I lift up my bag and shake it a bit.
Kitty sniffs and her eyes light up.
"Wait, you got Wage's cakes?! Oh my doll, I LOVE those. Thanks so much (Y/N)!"
I smiled warmly.
"So...y'all are doing song ideas for the gala?" I ask as I sit down beside them and Tuesday follows.
"Yep! We've got some good ideas from what we've heard when we played with our kid." Lydia said.
"Oh cool! Mind if I here em?"
"Not at all! Here's our ideas so far. Mandy, would ya like to start?"
"Sure!" Mandy agreed. "So, I was thinking...when everyone starts dancing in the ballroom...could I maybe sing something?"
"No."  I say firmly.
I giggle.
"I'm totally messing with you! Of course you can! What song did you have in mind?"
"Oh!" Mandy laughs in relief. "Well, I was thinking this song. It's called Tangled Up, and it's from the woman called Carl Emerald!
"Caro Emerald, Mandy." Kitty corrected her.
"Oh yeah! Thanks Kitty. Yeah, Caro Emerald. It's such a good song! I think it would fit the mood perfectly."
"Ok cool!" I nod. "Do you think I could hear it?"
"Sure!" Mandy pulls out her phone with some headphones attached. She hands me one and played me a short clip of the song.
I actually really like it!
"Mandy, this is perfect! Of course you can sing this!"
"Thanks (Y/N)!" Mandy smiles.
"Alright! We've got that covered. What about the main act of the gala?" I ask.
"Ooh ooh ooh!" Kitty raises her hand. "I have an AMAZING song in mind."
"Go on." I say, intrigued.
"Ok, so!" Kitty stands up. I think we should go for a electro-swing song! My kid's been listening to a ton of those."
"Ooh!" I say excitedly. "What song?"
"It's a song called Trouble, by this lady...Annella I think her name was? It's so good! You should listen to it." Kitty says, while getting her phone out of her pocket.
Like Mandy, she plays me a short snippet of it. Again, I love it!
"Oh my doll, this is amazing! Good choice, Kitty!"
Kitty smiles and sits back down.
"Oh and if it's ok Lydia wanted to do her own little act too." Kitty adds.
"Oh? What do you have in mind, Lydia?" I turned to Lydia.
"Well...it's this song called Golden Hour. It's really good! And I was wondering if I could do something similar to what Mandy's doing?"
"Sure thing! What does it sound like?"
I ask.
"Here, I'll show you..."
Lydia says, as she pulls up the song.
Seriously, these songs are so good!
"That sounds really good! You can absolutely do that!"
I say.
Lydia smiles.
"Well, I think the songs and acts have been all sorted out! What are we gonna wear?" I ask.
"Oh! I've got you guys covered." Lydia says. "For the whole 'Trouble' thing, I got us all these super cute short black dresses and a chic hair accessory! And after that part, you guys can wear whatever you were gonna wear."
"And I've got all the decorations!" Tuesday stated. "I've got bunting, some party popper and golden streamers!"
"I'm getting so excited for this gala!" Mandy exclaimed. "Who are you gals gonna pick to dance? If I was able to, I would of maybe picked Nolan, although I did hear that everyone who's dancing with each other is gonna get switched up."
"Switched up huh?" I say.
"In all honesty, I have no idea who I'm gonna dance with."
Tuesday says.
"Yeah, same here."
Lydia adds.
"Me three."
Kitty says.
"Well, that just leaves you, (Y/N). Who are you gonna dance with?"
Mandy asks.
"Uh...well...I'm not sure." I answer.

Of course I'm sure. I'm most likely gonna dance with Lou. I didn't say it just so I wouldn't feel humiliated. I don't know why, he just...makes me feel something that I can't describe in words. The guy hasn't even spoken to me and he just brings a smile to my face.

"Well, I guess we'll all see when the gala arrives!"

I'm feeling excited about this.

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