History and Battle Training

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The night after the first day of UA, Ochako was lying on her bed deep in thought. She found the boy who saved her and her Dad's life. Thinking all this time he was dead this whole time because the news didn't cover anything else other than the fact he was gravely injured.
Ochako's eyes began to well up with tears being reminded of that day that a boy of her age who she started to grow feelings for saved her life not once but twice.
Ever since the day Izuku saved her life the second time she decides to get stronger however else she can, whether it's with her quirk or physically she promises one thing. "I'll be a strong hero that saves everyone, i'll help people however I can, and be just like Deku!" A fiery determination started to burn bright within her, that day, she made that promise. Not just to her parents but to herself and mentally to all her friends.

The next morning came and the group of six started walking together to UA.
"What are you guys waiting for!? We're going to be late!!" Yelled a certain blue haired teen running to UA.
"Iida! Calm down! Class doesn't start in another 30 minutes!" Yelled Izuku.
"A UA student shall always arive early in case we don't miss anything!" Iida yelled as he was running much to the six amusement. They all started laughing to how serious Iida is.
"Oh my god! He's so serious!" Ochako said.

As class began the yellow sleeping bag known as Aizawa slithered into the classroom up to his desk while everyone was chatting about who knows what.
"Alright class. Shut up. Class has started. While this school is for training in hero work it is still a school therefore a place of education. Now. Get your history books out and turn to page 394." Aizawa said.
"Alright professor snape." Someone muttered.
"I heard that! Although I do see the resemblance." Aizawa muttered after snapping.
Once everyone turned to the said page Izuku saw the picture on the page and immediately almost jumped out of his seat.
The man on the picture was the man Izuku first trained with in the ancient fighting style that only he knew. Kenshiro.
"Lucas, would you mind being the first to read?" Aizawa asked.
"No, I don't mind at all! I actually heard of this guy!" Lucas said.

"Kenshiro. An ancient martial artist who was alive long before quirks. A nuclear war broke out and everyone was crying out for a hero. Ken was the one to be that hero do to his incredible skill. Everyone praised him to be the God sent avenger who electrified the earth. With a brutal past he unlocked the power what he calls battle grief to help him through the battle with him being a one man army. He could puncture a certain pulse that could easily kill or even heal wounds that seem impossible.
After the war was over he searched to pass on the skill that he holds to make sure they're in the right hands.
He spent years searching and occasionally would disappear out of the sight of the government. It is said that after so long he finally found a successor. He was found at the incident over at Hosu during the time when the young hero Bomb Shelter made an appearance." "Okay stop right there Lucas!" Aizawa interrupted.
"Midoriya, do you know anything about this Kenshiro's successor?" Aizawa asks. Izuku was silent for a minute.
"...You could say that..." Izuku said.
"Wait! You know Ken's successor!? How manly is he or she!?" Kirishima asks.
"How strong is he or she?" Mina asks.
"Did you help train him or her?" Ojiro asks.
After everyone started attacking Izuku with questions Aizawa used his quirk to tell everyone to shut up.
"Now... Midoriya, why don't you come tell the class about this successor." Aizawa said. Izuku got up from his desk and slowly walked up front. After he made it up front he was being stared down with eyes of curiosity. Lucas knew about this not from mind reading, but from his mentor Wonder Woman.
Izuku took a deep breath and started to speak.
"Okay... nobody knows about the successor of Ken except for me. I guess this is a good time to reveal him myself... it's me." Izuku said. Audible gasps could be heard all in the classroom.
"I know what you're thinking. I have a strong quirk and all, but the thing is..." Izuku started but was cut off by Lucas.
"His quirk acquired more training to use, thanks to his training with ki and body he managed to be as strong as a Saiyan with his said quirk." Lucas said so no secrets could be revealed about the truth of OFA.
"That... IS THE MANLIEST THING I'VE EVER HEARD!!!" Kirashima shouted.
"Not only that, he also trained under Goku and Vegeta!" Lucas said trying to add to Izuku's popularity.
"You mean the warriors who took on the biggest threats in the universe!? How much training do you do!?" Mina shouted.
"MIDORIYA YOU BASTARD!!! HOW COME YOU GET ALL THE HOTTIES!?" After Mineta said that he was instantly slapped by Tsu's tounge and jabbed in the eye with Jiro's jack.
'You're a dick Lucas!' Izuku thought knowing Lucas could hear his thoughts.
"That's fair." Lucas said smirking.
His smirk turned to a look with fear after feeling a murderous aura around Ochako.
"Shit. How could I forget." Lucas said to himself.

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