Law following and Saiyans

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     Finally, the week of the internships have ended. Class 1A were chatting amongst themselves.

"Hey Eiji!" Mina said.

"Hey Mina! Wow..." Kirishima said going red faced looking at Mina. She looked more appealing than before the internships. "Y-you look um... great." 'DAMMIT EIJIRO!' Kirishima mentally screamed.

"Thanks Eiji! And you look more muscly!" Mina said feeling Kirishima's muscles making him blush a deeper red accidentally using his quirk. "Awww, look whose flustered!" She told him.

"I... uh... well..." Kirishima said being a nervous reck.

"Oh! By the way, look what I can do now!" Mina said. She then powered up to go Super Saiyan God.
"We have the same hair color!" She said excited. Kirishima had stars in his eyes.

"Whoa! That's awesome Mina! You'll be an incredible hero with that power!" Kirishima told her.

Later on, Izuku and Ochako walked through the door holding hands.
All of the class noticed this as well as Izuku's tail.

Oijiro of all people went up to Izuku first.

"Midoriya. I'm assuming your quirk mutated and had you evolved. As a fellow tail quirk user I will be honored to train the strongest in our class." He said.

"That would not be a bad idea actually!" Izuku said smiling at him.

"Excellent. I will make sure to do my best to train you." Ojiro said bowing and going back to his seat.

Finally, Aizawa came in the classroom and everyone sat down in their assigned seats. He was then looking at Izuku.

"Midoriya, you are needed in the principles office." He said. "Whatever god is up there, please help us all..."

Izuku was confused with this but walked out the door and headed towards Nezu's office.

"On second thought... maybe I should come with." Aizawa said. "Lucas, keep an eye on the class and don't break anything... please."

The two walked over to the office. As Izuku and Aizawa walked in and saw Bulma and a dog person who just so happens to be the police chief.

"Go ahead, tell him what you told me." Bulma said looking rather angry. Nezu was just sitting in his desk waiting for all hell to break loose.

"Ahem... are you Izuku Midoriya?" The dog person asked.

"Yes, that's me." Izuku said.

"For years we have had laws involving quirks. You attacked a villain without a license and have broken the law." The chief said.

"What?" Izuku asked not too happy what he was hearing. "So your telling me, I 'broke the law' by killing a demon who could destroy a planet whom ALSO was about to kill the girl who is now my girlfriend, what was I supposed to do, let her die?!"

"So you think it's okay to break the law just because you saved someone? The whole world knows about you and yet you don't even have a license!" The chief said. Izuku was angered even further.

"You know what, FUCK THAT SHIT!!! THAT GIRL COULD'VE DIED IF I HADN'T ATTACKED THAT DEMON AND YOUR TELLING ME I BROKE SOME PETTY ASS LAW?!?!" Izuku shouted making the entire building shake, Nezu was hiding under his desk and Bulma was still sitting there looking at the shocked chief with a look saying 'I told you so'.

"Okay, okay! Please, uh... calm down!" The chief said now on the floor crawling away.

"Midoriya! Breath!" Aizawa said grabbing his shoulders in an attempt to calm him down.

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