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                 For the next two weeks, I stayed in Haylie's room and didn't come out unless to use the bathroom. I wore Haylie's old clothes just to breathe her scent. She had a picture of us together in a frame next to her bed. I feel empty without her and I don't know what to do. I heard a knock at the door and I asked who is it. "It's Toby and Clockwork," Toby said, "Your uncle is on the phone and he wants to talk to you." "Go away," I said depressed. "Claire?" Uncle Aaron's voice said, "Please open the door. I know what you're going through and I just want to talk." I walked to the door and grabbed the phone from Toby's hand then shut the door. Uncle Aaron was on video chat and he had a full beard. "Claire," He said, "It's going to be alright. I prom-" "No it won't be alright," I said with tears streaming down my face, "The girl that I love with all of my heart, is dead! I can't live without her! It was my fault that she died! If I wasn't being hunted, she would still be here! I wish I was never born!" "Don't talk that way," Aaron said sympathetically, "It's not your fault so don't blame yourself. You did not cause her death." "But," I started to say but Aaron cut me off. "No buts," He said, "I promise you that she is waiting for you in Starlight." A wave of anger flashed over me and caused my ultima eyes to show. "How the f*ck would you know!?" I yelled while lashing my tail, "How do you know what it feels like when someone close to you is taken away from you!?" "Claire, calm down," Aaron said with a calm voice. "NO," I yelled, "I WILL NOT F*CKING CALM DOWN! F*CK YOU!" I then hung up on him and dropped the phone on the bed then started to cry.

              Shannon's POV:

            I heard my phone ring and on the caller ID, it showed Aaron's face so I answered it. "How did it go?" I asked. "Terrible," He said with a disappointed tone, "She's hurt really bad. I guess she really did love Haylie." "They were dating," I replied, "I would say that their relationship with each other was moving too fast." "I remember when you were her age," Aaron said teasingly, "you did some of the same things she did." "No," I said teasing back, "That was you." "Are you sure," Aaron pushed on. "Shut it," I said threateningly, "Or I will find a way to go through this phone and slap you. Anyways, I have to check on Claire, I'll call you back." "Bye, Lil Sis," He replied. I hung up the phone and started walking to Haylie's old room.

              Claire's POV:

I looked down at my arm which had multiple cuts on it and added more. They were bleeding and causing pain which I loved. It makes me feel like I have control over the pain inside. I heard footsteps approaching the door so I hid my blood-covered arms with my sleeves which bled through. Mom opened the door and walked into the room with a plate in her hand. The plate had a large portion of fresh rabbit meat on it. "I made your favorite," She said setting the plate down on the table next to the bed. She looked at my sleeves and she clasped both of her hands over her mouth. "What have you been doing in here?!" She asked with tears welling up in her sapphire blue eyes. I didn't know how to respond and I thought if I kept quiet, she wouldn't make a big deal about it. But, as a vision suggested, she walked over and rolled my sleeves up. My cuts were bleeding to the point that it was dripping blood on the bed and the floor. Toby walked in with the first aid kit in his hands. "Here you go, Mrs. Lycan," Toby said while giving Mom the box. Mom opened the box and pulled out a bottle of rubbing alcohol and a roll of gauze. "You shouldn't do this, Claire," She said in a worried voice while dipping a cotton swab down into the bottle, "This is very dangerous! I know why you are doing this, but believe me, it's not going to help." She brushed the swab against one of my cuts and it burned like hell. "What the f*ck am I supposed to do?!?!" I yelled the covered my mouth. "And that is my cue to leave," Toby said with a hint of fear in his voice, "Good luck, Claire." He bolted out the door and down the stairs. "I'm sorry, Mom," I said, "I didn't mean to say that!" She just pulled me into a hug then went back to treating my cuts. I winced every time the cotton swab touched my wounds. "Please don't do this again," Mom said in a soft tone while wrapping the gauze around my arms, "You can die from this." "Maybe I want to die," I said sincerely, "I have nothing now, nothing to live for, I have no one. Everyone that I'm around just seems to get hurt." Mom did not take that well and she exploded on me. "You are my last child!" She yelled with tears falling from her eyes, "You are all I have left! Please don't kill yourself, Claire. Haylie would want you to live your life instead of taking it." "Okay," I said, "I won't cut anymore." Little did she know that I was lying. "Thank you," She said pulling me into a hug, "Please eat something." "Okay," I replied. She left the room and even though I wasn't hungry, I forced the rabbit down and went sit at Haylie's grave...

Ultima Werewolf book IIWhere stories live. Discover now