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                   Alex's POV:

                It's been a few years since I was separated from my family and I am now the Alpha of the savage werewolves. Now I am out hunting alone and I am tracking down a deer. The scent trail led to a stream and something didn't feel right. As I was about to take a drink, I felt a sharp pain in my neck then I felt dizzy. "We got him!" A man shouted. The RK-900 walked out of some bushes with a girl that I now recognize as Haylie. "Haylie?" I said losing consciousness. I felt another dart hit me in the side and I collapsed...

             Claire's POV:

              I stayed at Haylie's grave until it was moon high then I decided to head back inside. Jeff ran into me and got angry. "Not today, Jeffry," I said. "The f*ck di you say?!" He retorted. I picked him up by his hoody then forced him up against the wall. "Listen here, you little f*cker," I hissed while digging my claws into his shoulders, "I don't want to be f*cked with, so get your albino a*s out of my f*cking way!" I heard the clattering of silverware dropping on plates and I felt everyone watching me. I dropped Jeff and started to walk to the living room when I heard Jeff unsheathing a knife. I threw one of my kunai at the arm holding the knife and the kunai pinned Jeff's arm to the wall. "Ow, you little b*tch!" Jeff yelled in pain. "ENOUGH!!!" Slender-man said while appearing in between us, "Jeff, your room, Now!" Slender-man turned to me and knelt down. "Claire," He said in a stern tone, "Jeff is one of my most powerful Proxies, How the h*ll did you do that?" I kept quiet. "From now on," He continued, "You and Jeff will train together." "WHAT?!?!!" Jeff and I both exclaimed then I yelled, "F*CK NO SLENDY!" "You will do as I say, child," Slendy said in a commanding voice, "Besides, It's only temporary and you skipped training for three weeks straight." I growled in disagreement but I just nodded my head. "Good," He said standing up, "Training starts Monday." I walked to Haylie's old room and sat on the bed. Toby knocked on the door and I let him in. He sat next to me and smiled. "That was ballsy standing up to Jeff," He said, "Not even EJ would have done that." "I wasn't in the mood for his sh*t," I said with a faded smile. "I know you don't want to talk about it," Toby said with a serious tone, "But, I just want to know how you are doing." I knew what he was referring to which made me sad. "I miss her," I said with tears forming in my eyes, "I started to harm myself, hoping that I could take my life so I could be with her. She's in my dreams, the image of her coughing up her own blood, the image of her blood covering my hands, the image of her lifeless body, they all keep entering my mind. I keep thinking that it's my fault that she died, it's my fault for turning her. If she wasn't a werewolf, she wouldn't be affected by silver." "Even if she wasn't a werewolf," Toby said sympathetically, "She still would have bled out." "But why her?!" I said with tears flowing down my face, "It's me that they want! Why the f*ck did they shoot her!?!" "I don't know," Toby said, "But, we will not let this happen again." In a mixture of emotions, I kissed Toby and by doing so, I pushed him onto his back. He was surprised by this and I just now realized what I was doing. "I'm so sorry, Toby!" I exclaimed jumping off of him. My entire body was red from embarrassment and so was his. "Wow," He said in shock, "I did not know you felt that way around me." Oh sh*t, I thought, I'm still in heat! Clockwork is going to kill me! "You're still in heat, right?" Toby asked. His face was still red when I nodded saying yes. "Okay," He said, "Not a word, Clockwork would slaughter both of us if she found out." "Found out that you two just kissed?" Clockwork said behind Toby making us both jump. "Sorry!" I said, "I didn't mean to!" "It's fine," She said in a friendly tone, "Just kick Jeffrey's a*s tomorrow during training." "Wow," Toby said, "Who are you and what did you do to the real Clockwork?" "It's me ya dope!" She replied with a smile. "I am just wondering," I said shuffling my feet, "How much did you hear?" "Enough to know that you are hurting and you're ready to talk about it," She said honestly. I looked down at my feet and wrapped my feathered tail around my legs. Clockwork walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "I know how it feels," She said, "You're not alone in this world, Haylie isn't gone forever. I promise that you two will cross paths again." I heard a twig snap outside and my fur and feathers stood up. A brick smashed through the bedroom window with a note attached to it. I cautiously sniffed the air and I got a whiff of something oddly familiar. I then picked the brick up and it had a note with a tuft of greenish-black fur. I pulled the tuft of fur from the string binding it in place and I sniffed it. "Alex!?" I exclaimed with a mixture of emotions. I then read the note and rage scorched through my entire body. I then walked over to the closet and grabbed a backpack then started to fill it with all of my gear. Toby picked the note up and read it. "Claire," He said worried, "Don't go after him! It's a trap to lure you out in the open!" "Do you think I don't f*cking know this?!" I retorted, "That plastic prick has my brother and I am not just going to wait around and do nothing!" He grabbed my arm but when he did this, I jabbed all of his pressure points and temporarily paralyzed him. He let go and fell to the ground with his eyes wide with shock. "You're not going!" Clockwork said commandingly. She blocked the door so I did the same move on her and she fell to the ground. I stepped over her to go outside but I stopped when I heard Toby's loud tick noises from behind me. I turned to face him and he charged at me. I jumped to the ceiling and clung against it then I dropped kicked Toby in the chest which knocked the wind out of him. I walked past him and said, "Stay down, Toby." I walked downstairs and I was about to go track my brother down when Connor stopped me. "Move, Connor," I said, "I don't want to hurt you." "No," He replied, "I can't let you go after Alex." I lashed my tail and I was about to go around the android but he put his hand on my shoulder and forced me to stop. I unsheathed my claws and severed his hand clean off then kicked the android as hard as I could sending him flying into a wall. "Claire," Toby said behind me, "You leave now, Slender-man will send every Proxy to get you and bring you back here." "Tell him this, Toby," I said with a growl, "Anyone that gets in my f*cking way, will be killed." I then started to walk out the door when Connor grabbed me from behind. I felt sharp pains that felt like needles going into my skin all over my body. I then felt something shoot out of my back, and forearms then Connor let go. I turned to see that he had a bunch of black quills in his torso and I looked at my arms and saw the same quills sticking out of them but only this time, they don't hurt. While I was looking at my new defenses, Connor wasted no time to pull all of the quills out of him. He then rushed at me but I ducked and jabbed my claws where is Thirium pump was and I forcefully ripped it out. I then threw it across the room and went out to find my brother...

                  As I was nearing the location the note said where to meet, I saw a bunch of lights then I saw my brother chained to concrete blocks. I looked over and saw the lifeless body of Khloe laying next to him. I crouched down and snuck to the trees above to see where all the enemies are at so I can keep tabs on them. I then saw that plastic prick and it seemed like it saw me. "I know your there," RK-900 said, "I'm unarmed." I rapidly tapped on the tree asking how can I trust you. "Do you want your brother or not?" It asked. I slowly dropped down from the tree and cautiously approached the android. Just as I was a few yards away, I noticed a pair of brown wolf ears then I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. I looked at my shoulder and there was a tranq dart embedded in it. The werewolf moved closer and my heart dropped. "Haylie?" I staggered closer to her but collapsed, "I thought you were dead." Tears formed in my eyes as everything faded to black...

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