Getting Ready-Asami

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Asami's pov

I was sat on the sofa with Korra and the pups when we heard my phone starting to ring, I looked at Asami before picking it up and putting it on loud speaker.

Ag (agent ) : hello is the Ms Sato?
K: Yes
Ag: well we have good news
K: yes?
Ag: you got Hiro!
K: yes!
A: omg really?
Ag: yes you must be ready for pick up by Monday.
K: that is do able we already have his room set apart from a few more things we need to get.
Ag: alright well I'll let you celebrate good bye
K and A: bye!

We ended the call and I jumped onto Korra before kissing het. "We're going to be parents! " I laughed into her neck. She held me close before picking me up and spinning me around. "I'm so happy Asami! " I laughed and kissed her again this time we stayed together longer before she put me down and we left to go into Hiro's new room.

We had basically everything ready and when we puck him up we said we were going to let him pick out some toys and foods he liked, cereals dinners and such so we could know his interests and so he know his toys were his

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We had basically everything ready and when we puck him up we said we were going to let him pick out some toys and foods he liked, cereals dinners and such so we could know his interests and so he know his toys were his.

So I looked at my check list of what we needed and said "should we get some food and stuff for him for the next week? " Korra shook her head "already bought it" I laughed and kissed her head. "So smart... " we held eachother for a while before deciding to call the group to tell them the news.

Asami: hi guys
Bolin: Hi Asami hi Korra!
Opal: hey
Mako: hi
Wu: hello everyone!
Zuko: sup
Asami: guys we have some news
Korra: it's pretty big
Opal: tell us
Bolin: yes tell us!
Asami: well Korra and I have just adopted a baby boy!
Opal: omg guys! That's amazing
Bolin: yes finally I get a nefew
Zuko: that's great guys
Wu: cool dudes
Mako: what? No it's one thing to be in a gay relationship but it's another to ruin a child especially a boy, he needs a dad!
Zuko: not cool dude
Opal: Mako you can't say things like that!
Asami: Mako why can't you just be happy for us?!
Mako: because its wro-
Korra: *kicked Mako from group*
Opal: good on you Korra,
Bolin: I'm so sorry about him I'll talk to him bye guys
Zuko: thanks Bolin
Asami: yeah thanks
Bolin: *has left call*
Opal: I'm so happy for you guys!
Asami: thanks Opal.
Wu: I'm going to go, good luck bye my loves.
Wu: *has left call*
Opal: where's Korra?
Asami: she's not in the best of moods now so she using her punching bag.
Zuko: well we'll let you go so you can help her love ya sis.
Asami: bye Zuko
Zuko: *has left the call*
Opal: bye Asami!
Opal: *has left the call*

I left Hiro's room and headed towards Korra's small gym in her office where she was punching the bag like crazy. "Hey Korra... " I said quietly not wanting to startle her. "Hey Asami" she answered back as she still hitting the large sack of something. "Do you want to order subway or... ? " I was cut of by her "yeah subway. " I nodded and called the place before ordering our usuals and then putting my phone down again. Korra then hissed at the bag so I came up next to her and looked at her bleeding knuckles "Korra what did I tell you about the tape! " Korra just looked pissed so I pulled her over to the desk and got her flannel before heading to the bathroom to wet it, I then cleaned up her knuckles and kissed each finger looking at her when she looked away from me.

I sat here on the desk and sat on her chair pulling her closer and then ontop my lap. I kissed her cheek and then checked her knuckles again they were really saw so I put the knuckle plasters over them and then kissed them again not letting go of her good hand. "I love you Korra. No matter what anyone says we will be great parents. " Korra shook her head and looked me in the eyes. "You really think so? " I nodded my head at her question before kissing her quickly but she pulled me in a it turned into a heated session.

I laughed when we heard the door bell go because we were both a mess so in her half buttoned up shirt with lip stick all over her face and her trousers in a bunch Korra answered the door, I came up behind her when I thought it was taking to long even though I was only in my bra and short shorts. I looked at the delivery boy before giving him a tip and closing the door, Korra put the food on the counter and sat me ontop with it before sitting at the dinning table with her sub in hand, I picked up mine and as we eat we just stared at eachother "you know, I can't wait to finish this sub... so I could have desert." Korra said licking her lips in my direction which turned me on.

So I put my sub down and got of the counter "shower. now. " Korra looked worried so she did as I said and I followed after before getting in myself and I mean you know what happens.

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