New Guy-Korra

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Korra's pov

I was getting ready for when Asami got here, I didn't own anything fancy so I just put on my only kinda white shirt that had a stain on it and some ripped jeans that were covered in paint. I heard Pema called for me and I head towards the front desk with my wallet and phone that Pema bought me so she could keep in check with me.

I looked at Asami and almost melted, honestly I think I'm falling for her, she is beautiful with a capital B. She was wearing black, leather trousers, leather biker gloves and a red vest top, with a black biker jacket over it. She also carried a bike helmet that read Sato on the side, in red paint.

"You look beautiful Korra? " Asami smiled as she held her arm out for me. I blushed hard and took her hand. "Y-you too. " Pema then waved me off as we ran out of the building "don't come home to late! " Asami then led me to a beautiful black and red motorcycle. "This is beautiful Asami! "She smiled and hopped on, "come on Zuko is already there, he owns the bar now so his office is there. " I nervously got on the back and wrapped my arms around her. "You ready? " I nodded and rested my head on her shoulder and she put a helmet on my head. "Don't forget safety. " I laughed and smiled as she began to drive off towards the bar.

Once there Zuko greated us at the front and we skipped the line. We went inside and I remembered how much I don't like loud noises, and drunk people. Why did I agree to this again, oh yeah its because I'm puddy in Asami's hands. She dragged me to a private area where the music was quieter and I could actually see.

Zuko sat down next to me and Asami took off my helmet. "Thanks Zuko" she smiled as she handed him the helmets. I laughed as he frowned and took them into a room I assumed was his office. Asami looked over me a bit her lip. "So Asami, do you come here often? " she nodded her head and brushed some hair out of my face. "Yup ever since Zuko bought it I've come her every month for our anniversary. " I smiled and nodded my head trying to keep my gayness down. "I'ma get us drinks, stay right there. " she said, no commanded as she left the booth to get the drinks.

After a few drinks in Asami and Zuko were on the dance floor, dancing like any siblings would, but just then a guy got inbetween Zuko and Asami and she looked happy but it made me feel sick. She soon brought him up and introduced him as Mako. I wasn't really listening but when she sat on my lap to make room for Zuko I went beet red. "Hiiii Korra hic" I laughed at her drunken state. Mako looked a little pissed so I turned her around to face me, to really make him mad, but what does he know, I could be her girlfriend and he wouldn't know. "Hm-Korra... you smell nice. " I laughed until she kissed my neck. "Korra I'ma drive her home in my car her bike was already put in my over night shed. " I nodded my head but Asami yelled. "No! I want her, I'm not leaving! " Zuko and I laughed but Mako just rolled his eyes. "See you at work on Monday Zuko. " he called. Which made my heart drop he works with them? Great now I have no chance.

We were soon in Zuko's car and at their estate. "I'ma put her to bed and then drive you to Pema's okay Korra?"
But before I could answered Asami yelled again. "No she's staying with me. " I laughed and said "it's fine Zuko I'll stay here tonight, Pema won't mind if I text her. " I quickly did just that and then carried Asami with her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck towards the front of the house. Zuko left to park and I was soon met by a butler looking person. "Hello. Um where is Miss Sato's room?" I asked worried that I was going to drop her as she gave me kisses and blew on my neck.

The butler led me up the stairs and towards a door that led into a huge room with a double King sized bed. "Thankyou " I said as the butler closed the door. I led Asami on the bed and she finally let go of me. "Right where are you pjs princess. " I asked looking around. "Are you going to strip me Korra? " Asami asked biting her lip. I blushed and asked again. "Where are your pjs? " Asami smiled and held her arms towards me. "I wanna sleep naked! " I shook my head and Zuko soon entered the room. "Thought you might need some help, and I brought you a old set of my pjs to wear, you won't fit into her's" I laughed and took the clothes thanking him as he went to her Asami's clothes.

"Is she always like this when you two go out? " Zuko laughed and shook his head. "She only drinks when she's nervous. " my smile fades as I head into the bathroom leaving the door open so I could still talk to him. "Yeah must be because of the Mako guy. " Zuko laughed when I said this. "Her ex is nothing to worry about Korra. " I walked out of the bathroom to see he had already dressed the sleeping beauty. "Yeah he hurt he pretty bad, if it weren't for me he would of lost his job. " I sighed and sat on the bed next to her. "Is it that obvious I like her? " Zuko nodded his head. "yes. " I blushed and got under the covers and Asami pulled me close "I won't tell her, but don't lose hope. I'm sure she likes you too. Just ask her out. " I nodded my head and said good night as he left.

I held Asami closer to me and kissed her head. "You drive me crazy. "

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