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Just a note Zuko kept two of the pups. Probs Hades and Zues. They aren't looking after 8 dogs only 6 lol.

Asami's pov

We were hanging out for a few hours now when a drunk guy well not guy more of an old man tried to come over the line, the bouncer grabbed his arm but I knew this guy was going to be a handful. "Come on man I just wanna say hello to the pretty girls. " he said slurred, Asami cuddled into me more hiding her face. I was a little confused on why she was doing this but when I saw Zuko's face I knew it had something to do with their past.

"Get out of my bar Ozai, we got the restraining order for a reason and its a 30 under bar so how did you get in?" The drunk man laughed and said coldly "your password to the back door son. " I was in shock, son? But, wait isn't he in prison?

Asami held onto me close and Opal whispered in my ear "lest go to Zuko's office she'll feel safer in there. " I nodded my head and carried Asami into Zuko's office. "Its ok I got you, you're ok. " I said as I sat on the sofa with her in my lap. Opal locked the door and then the one to outside and changed the password. "There now we won't get in I'll write it down for Zuko. "

As she did that I felt Asami's grip tighten and then loosen. "What happened with his dad Asami? " I asked feeling really worried. "He, he tried to get me to date and marry him but when Zuko tried to stop him he got worse and eventually kicked us out. That's why Zuko lives with my dad. " she said now almost fully calmed down. "I'm so sorry Sami... what a creep... " Asami cuddled into me more until we heard the door open and she tensed again.

Zuko came through and sat down next to us whilst Opal left giving him the paper with his new password on it. "She'll be a bit tense for a while, do you want me to look after the pups whilst she's recovering? " I shook my head and kissed Asami's head again as she held my hand to her lips. "I can handle it"

We soon went back home and I sorted the dogs whilst Asami was led on our bed in nothing but my shirt and underwear. I told the dogs to go to sleep and I went back into our room and found Asami on my side of the bed so I got in on her side and cuddled into her. "I love you Korra, you really are my Angel" she said as she held my hand to her chest. "And you are mine Asami. "

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